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16.It won’t be______he______to Taiwan for further study on computer technology.

  A.long before;will go         B.before long;goes

  C.long before;goes           D.before long;will go来源:


15.If I cheat in the exam,do you think I can______it? 来源:

  A.get hold of   B.get across     C.get rid of     D.get away with来源:


14.It is warned that no one is permitted______the lab after 10:00 p.m.

  A.enter      B.to entering     C.to enter      D.entering


13.-Where are you going for your holidays this summer?

--Well,it’s not been decided.I______go to the countryside to see my parents.

  A.might      B.need               D.must来源:


12.______has helped to save the drowning boy is worth praising.

  A.Who       B.The one      C.Anyone       D.Whoever


11.She listened with a________expression on her face,which suggested she didn’t completely understand.

A.puzzling     B.frightened     C.frightening    D.puzzled



A:Hello. Could I speak to the Airport Ticket Office ?

B:(Operator):Just minute,please.

B:Hello. __  6  _

A:Hello. __  7  _

B:OK. We’11 have a Boeing 747 leaving at 8:45 tomorrow.

A:____8  _

B:It’s 400 dollars.

A:_____9  _

B:Please be there by eight at the least.

A:All right. Thank you very much.


A. Please bring the luggage to the bus stop.
B. It’s our pleasure.
C. Can I fly to New York tomorrow ?
D. How many minutes to the city ?
E. When should I get to the Airport ?
F. This is the Airport Ticket Office.
G. How much is the fare ?


5. fundamental  A /'fʌndɑ:mentl/   B./fʌndɑ:'mentl /   C./fʌndə'mentl/   D. /'fʌndəmentl/


4. celebration   A. /selə'brəʃən/    B. /seli'breiʃən/   C./ 'seləbrəʃən /   D. / selib'reiʃən/


3. barbecue   A. / 'bʌbikju:/    B./ bɑ:'bikju:/    C./ bʌbi'kju: /     D./'bɑ:bikju:/

