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35. _____ with her sister, Jenny pays special attention to her appearance. _____ she earns

  is spent on clothing.

  A. Comparing; Whatever                          B. Compared; Whatever

  C. Compared; No matter what                     D. Comparing; No matter what


34. Father made a promise ___ I passed the examination he would buy me an MP6 player.

A. that              B. which               C. whether              D. that if


33. There are so many viruses on the Internet. If ____ accidentally, the viruses may make

  your computer break down.

  A. downloading                                   B. to be downloaded             

  C. downloaded                                    D. being downloaded


32. In front of our house _______ we used to swim.

   A. a river lies that                                B. does a river lie where       

   C. lies a river which                              D. lies a river where


31. We were finally able to make the customers _______ of the quality of the refrigerator.

  A. to convince         B. convincing   C. convince     D. convinced


30. He expects to _______ the business when his father retires.

A. pick up             B. make sense          C. take over        D. make up


29.---It’s ______ to rain . You’d better take an umbrella .

  ----All right .I’ll take one just _______.

  A. probably ; in that case           B .possibly ; in case

C. likely ; in case              D. possible ; in that case


28. The companies are working together to create ____ they hope will be the best means

of transport in the 21st century.

  A. that        B. what         C. which      D. who


27. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending , but the readers must not be left ______.

  A. unsatisfied    B. unsatisfying   C. to be unsatisfying  D. being unsatisfied


26. Washington, a state in the United States , was named _____ one of the greatest American presidents.

   A. in honor of   B. in control of   C. in favor of   D. by means of

