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35.一Can you     your absence last Friday?

  一Well,my car broke down and I had 10 get it taken to a garage.

  A.settle down   B.depend on   C.account for   D.refer to


34.     go straight On to university why not get some work experience first?

  A.Rather than   B.More than   C.As well as   D.Along with


33.The soldiers have devoted s11 their time and effort to    those trapped

under the fallen buildings.

A.save   B。have saved   C.be saving D.saving


32.     you can’t read or write,how can you find a good job?

A.As long as   B.Unless   C.Now that   D.Although


31.Once it is formed,a bad habit is not easy to     

  A.get rid of   B.pick Out   C.cut off    D.care  for

