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30. Mr. Green didn’t understand________made his daughter so absent-minded this morning.

   A. how that was  B. what was it   C. why it was that   D. what it was that


29. They use computers to keep the traffic__________ smoothly.

   A. being run     B. run      C. to run       D. running


28. _________the most important thing in your life ? w_w w. k#s5_

A. Do you think what is         B. What do you think is

C. What is you think           D. what is do you think


27. Those who frequently come to visit the Science Museum are________middle school students.

   A. most       B. mostly      C. almost      D. most of


26. His daughter is always shy in________and she never dares to make a speech to_______.

A. the public; the public         B. public; public

C. the public; public          D. public; the public


25. -----What has happened to him ?

  -----________breaking his leg, he has hurt his arm in the accident.

   A. As well as    B. As good as    C. As long as     D. As far as


24. -----Did the book give the information you needed ?

  -----Yes. But _________it, I had to read the entire book.

   A. to find      B. find       C. to finding     D. finding


23. One should always keep modest, ___________ he was great achievements in his profession.

   A. now that     B. even if      C. in case      D. as though


22. When I stood there looking, the man there said to me, “ Don’t just_________. I need your help.”

   A. look through    B. look for     C. look after    D. look on


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.  How do birds know exactly__________direction__________,do you know?

  A. which; flying   B. which; to fly to    C. in which; to fly    D. /; flying to

