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35.This is a photo of the power station that     in my hometown.

    A.has set up   B.has been set up  C.was set up     D.is set up


34.---How much shall I pay for the phone call?

  ---You     . This is free of charge.

   A.shouldn’t      B.can’t        C.needn’t                   D.mustn’t


33._____ the help of the experts, the boy was brought back ______ life at last.

     A.With; for                     B.Under; to     C.With; to      D.In; for


32.The girl ____ on the ground _____ to me that had ______ the book on the shelf.

     A.lying; lay; laid B.lay; lied; lain   C.lie; lied; lay  D.lying; lied; laid


31.I wonder why Jenny _______ us recently. We should have heard from her by now.

   A.hasn’t written                   B.doesn’t write   C.won’t write     D.hadn’t written


30.The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself______

   A.hear                      B.to hear     C.hearing       D.heard


29.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone______ get out.

   A.had to     B.would                     C.could         D.was able to


28.As _____ as 80 people lost their live sin the fire, _____ five firefighters.

     A.many; including                 B.much; including  

    C.many; included                                 D.much; to include


27.-Smoking is bad for your health.

   -Yes, I know. But I simply can’t     

   A.give it up    B.give it in                    C.give it out       D.give it away


26.The teachers do all _______ improve their teaching abilities.

     A.they can to   B.what they can to   C.which they can D.that they can

