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34. Only when I left my parents for Italy     how much I loved them.

     A. I realized     B. I had realized     C. had I realized    D. did I realize


33. If a piece of wood was put in water, it will     .

     A. expand      B. spread     C. develop      D. increase


32.    a few minutes the building was on fime.

     A. During     B. Before      C. For            D. Within


31.    We go swimming every day     us a lot of good.

     A. If; do     B. That; do      C. If; does         D. That; does


30.-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so rude to you.

     -You     your temper but that’s OK.

     A. have lost    B. had lost     C. did lose         D. were losing 


29.It is     great pleasure to go to    cinema after a week’s hard work.

     A. a; the     B. the; a        C. a; a            D. the; the  


28.I spent as much time as I could     related information about the subject.

     A. collect    B. collecting    C. to collect         D. having collected.


27.He made up his mind to devote his life     pollution    happily.

     A. to prevent; to live                                      B. to prevent; from living.    

     B. to preventing; to live                                   D. to preventing; from living


26.Thirty percent of the cattle    thin ,but the rest     fat.

     A. are; are                   B. is; is                      C. is; are         D. are; is 


25.I as well as you    satisfied with the book because of its usefulness.

     A. is                         B. am                       C. are           D. has been

