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5. A. Sometimes       B. Sometime    C. Some times        D. Some time


4. A. by being woken up   B. to be woken up    C. at being woken up   D. being woken up


3. A. Sorry       B. Hello    C. Excuse me       D. Pardon


2. A. on his shoulder    B. on the shoulder    C. to his shoulder    D. to the shoulder


10. A look  B. feel  C. appear  D. seem


 答案:  1. B 2.C 3. D 4.A  5.A 6.C 7.D 8. A 9.C 10. B  讲解:  1. look at表示“看”,指有意识地看;而see是“看见”,notice是“注意到”,它们都表示无意识的动作。  2.根据前面的he felt sorry for himself,判断他很想要双鞋。  3. 从上下文可看出他妈妈深爱他,如有可能,她会为他买任何东西,anything是“任何东西”的意思,在此表示一种强调的语气。  4.通过but一词,可知语气转了,little money为“几乎没有钱”,表示否定意义。而a little则表示“少许,一点点”。  5.根据as he looked worried and his mother would notice做出判断,为了不使他妈妈看出他忧虑的神情,他决定不要马上回家。  6.当他发现这个少年没有脚时,他的感觉应该是惊奇,这或许是他第一次见到这种事,所以他的反应不应该是激动、高兴或感到有意思。  7.look down表示“朝下看”,看脚时,应该往下看;look up表示“朝上看”;look through是“浏览”的意思;look out表示“注意”。  8. 此题考比较级的用法。much better表示“好得多”;虽然still和even后面也可用比较级,但它们表示的意思不符合题意。  9.than用于比较级时,其前、后的结构要一致;此题的than前是介词短语without shoes,因此than后要用 without feet与之搭配。  10. “感到伤心”用feel sad 表示;“看起来伤心”用look sad;seem sad是“好像伤心”的意思;appear sad 则表示“表面上伤心”的意思。


 A tramp (流浪汉) was sleeping on a park bench late at night. A man and a woman were walking  l . One of them tapped him  2  and asked, “ 3 . What's the time?” The tramp was very angry  4 . “I don't know!” he said angrily. “I haven't got a watch.” And he went back to sleep.   5  later another man was passing. He woke the tramp up and said, “I am sorry to bother you, but I  6  if you could tell me  7 .”  Again the tramp said he  8 . By now he was very fed up (厌烦之极) , so he got a pen and a piece of paper and wrote I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE TIME IS on it and went back to sleep.  Half an hour  9 , a policeman was passing. He  10  the sign, woke the tramp up and said, “It's 2:30, sir!”

 l. A. past         B. passed    C. to pass       D. passing


9. A. out of  B. with C. without D. having no


8. A. much  B. still  C. even  D. less


7. A. up B. through C. out   D. down


6. A. pleased B. excited C. surprised D. interested


5. A. at once B. then C. just now D. at all

