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6. A. her photo    B. her house     

 C. her car     D. her houses


5. A. were missing  B. were missed  

C. missing     D. missed


4. A. say  B. said   C. to say  D. saying


3. A. wanted      B. wanted to  

 C. wanted to see  D. were wanted


2. A. anybody     B. nobody   

C. somebody    D. everybody


1. A. had  B. had  C. ever   D. even


10. A. enjoy B. like  C. wish  D. hope


参考答案解析  1、B  or用于否定句,连接两个或多个否定部分,意为“也不,也没有”。  2、A  前句说冬天的夜晚很长,后文又有even at noon,可见两个月中看不到“太阳”。  3、D  由下文there is no night 可知,应选D。  4、C  地处极地,衣服一定要保暖,下文又说他们的衣服是动物皮革做的,有很好的保暖性能。  5、D  动物的皮毛可做很多东西,从空前的 coats和caps可知,空格处应填的词也是衣物类,故选D。  6、A  北极严寒,当属常识。  7、D  上句trees can't grow 给本句做了铺垫。没有树也就没有木料做房子,客观条件迫使他们只能用其他材料做房子,含有“被迫,不得不”之意。  8、A  根据句尾的 get back home 可知外出遇到暴风雪。  9、C  雪屋是就地取材,为避暴风雪而临时搭建,不必也不可能带走。待天气好转,即可弃之而去,故用leave 。   10、B  转折连词but是解题的关键。由but可推知最后两句的意思是生活虽然艰苦,但他们仍然安居在那片土地,故可排除C,D。又,enjoy后通常接动词的-ing形式,而空格后是带to的不定式,故排除A。


 Nobody in the street knew Miss Hilton. While she lived,her front gate was always locked and no one  1  saw her leave or saw  2  go in. So even if you  3 ,you couldn't feel sorry and  4  that you  5  Miss Hilton.  When I think of  6 ,I see just two colours, grey and green. The green of mango(芒果) tree, the grey of the house and the grey of the high iron fence that kept you off the mangoes.  If your football  7  Miss Hilton's garden, you never  8 . It wasn't the mango season  9  Miss Hilton died. But we got back about ten  10  twelve of our footballs.  At the end of the week a sign  11  the mango tree: For sale.  We were ready to dislike  12  even before they came. I think we  13 . Already we had one man who kept on complaining about us  14  the police. He complained that we played football near his house and if we weren't playing football he complained that we were making  15  noise anyway.


9. A. take  B. carry  C. leave  D. lift


8. A. go out B. go over  C. go on  D. go up


7. A. will B. should C. never D. have to

