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83.He didn’t go to detail on the subject. He spoke ________.

 A. in common  B. in particular  C. in general  D. in advance


82.When I entered the classroom, I saw Mary ______ at the desk and ______ a letter.

A. seating; writing  B. seated; wrote  C. sitting; wrote   D. seated; writing


81.He remained calm ________ nothing had happened,______ astonished all of us.

 A. as though; which  B. as if; what  C. even if; who   D. so that; that


80.She always finds _____ a waste of money and time ______a day dream in school.

 A. that; to dream B. this ; to dream C. its; dreaming D. it ; dreaming


79. ________ will be in charge of the project______ been decided yet.

 A. Whoever; haven’t     B. Which; hasn’t

C. Who; hasn’t        D. Whichever; haven’t


78. ______worried the child most was _____ to visit his mother in the hospital.

 A. What; his not allowing    B. What ; his not being allowed

C. Which; his being not allowed  D. That; not having been allowed


77.We shouldn’t complain about________, because many families are much _____ in the mountainous area.

  A. being poor; worse off  B. being rich; better off

C. to be poor; badly off  D. to be rich; well off


76.All the machines stopped _____ with the electricity _____ throughout the factory.

  A. working; cut through  B. to work; cut down

C. working; cut off    D. to work; cut up


75. You should try to get a good night’s sleep ________ much work you have to do.

 A. whichever  B. whenever  C. however  D. whatever


74. Neither Tom nor Jack and I ________ his students, but each of us ______ him very much.

 A. am; likes  B. is ; love  C. are ; likes  D. was; loves

