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35. --- I’m wondering whether you would like to spend May Day with us.

    --- ____, but I’m busy writing an article for a magazine.

   A. I also wonder    B. I’m afraid not    C. So I do   D. I’d love to


34.______ surprises us most is that she doesn’t know ______ the difference between the two lies.

A. What; where    B. What; which     C. What; what      D. That; where


33. ______ dangerous animals such as tigers and wolves while traveling in this forest.

      A. Watch out   B. Watch out for   C. Looking out for   D. Look out of


32. A huge forest fire ___after the lighting struck, but luckily no one died or got hurt.

  A. have broken up  B. break out   C. broke out   D. broke down


31. Eric taught folk music in a local school for one year, ___he spent some time abroad studying jazz.

  A. after that    B. after which   C. after it     D. after this


30. No one has come up with a better explanation of why dinosaurs ___.

  A. died away    B. died out    C. died for     D. died of


29. --- John, you can choose to ___play basketball___ surf the Internet.

  --- I prefer to play basketball.

  A. either; or    B. both; and   C. not only; but also  D. neither; nor

