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23.   The day he looked forward to     at last. A. coming         B. come          C. came           D. comes


22.   Tibet     China lies      the southwest China. A. belonged to; in   B. belonged to; to  C. belonging; in     D. belonging to; to


21.   I     ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. A. gave           B. was given      C. was giving      D. had given


第二节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)



6. What has happened to the man?

  A. He has a stomach ache.       B. He's broken a bottle of milk.   C. He's hurt himself.

7. What has caused the man's problem?

  A. Hitting his stomach on the table.     B. Eating some bread.     C. Drinking some out-of-date milk.


8. How often does the woman have fried chicken?

  A. Once a week.    B. Once a month.         C. Never.

9. Where does the woman think of fried chicken?

  A. It costs too much.  B. It's good for health.

  C. It's delicious but unhealthy.

10. What do we know from the conversation?

  A. The man is too fat and needs to see a doctor.     

  B. The woman doesn't like chicken at all.

  C. We should eat more fruit and vegetables.


11.   Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.   B. In the street.      C. At the doctor's

12.   What does the man usually have for lunch? A. A cup of coffee and some chicken.      B. A sandwich and a cup of coffee. C. A sandwich and some fruit.

13.   What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Eat more fruit     B. Have a good rest.  C. Take more exercise.


14.   When will the plane take off? A. At 5:30          B. At 9:13          C. At 9:30

15.   Why does the woman feel nervous? A. She has never traveled by plane before.  B. The airport is too far away. C. It's already too late to catch the plane.

16.   How many people in total will travel together? A. Six.             B. Five.            C. Four.


17.   When did Charlie Chaplin leave England for America? A. In 1889.         B. In 1919.         C. In 1925.

18.   What event happened in 1918? A. Chaplin joined a group of child dancers. B. Chaplin acted in his first film. C. Chaplin founded his own film company.

19.   Where did Chaplin spend the last years of his life? A. In Switzerland.   B. In England.      C. In London.

20.   How old was Charlie Chaplin when he died? A. 78 years old.      B. 88 years old.      C. 68 years old.




1. What's the woman's telephone number?

  A. 7436416.        B. 7436146.       C. 7346146.

2. Why was the woman late?

  A. She forgot her class.               

B. She missed the school bus.

  C. She took the wrong bus..

3. What does the woman take in her coffee?

  A. Cream and sugar.   B. Only sugar.        C. Nothing.

4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A. In a museum.     B.  In a restaurant.    C.  In a bookstore.

5. How long have the two speakers been probably waiting?

  A. Half an hour.     B. One hour.            C. One and a half hours.

