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35. _______ is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It            B. As         C. That             D. What


34. Students used to ____ information from newspapers or messages, but now they are becoming used to _____ it on the Internet directly.

   A. get; searching for          B. getting; searching

   C. get; search  for           D. getting; searching


33. Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

   A. why he explained         B. how he explained

   C. that he explained             D. what he explained


32. ---- Why does she look so unhappy?

  ---- Her mother doesn’t _______ her going to study in the United States alone.

   A. agree          B. permit      C. approve      D. prove


31. My computer doesn’t work well and it requires _____, but my boss requires me _____ to use it.

   A. changing; continue          B. to be changed; of continuing

   C. changing; should continue         D. to be changed; to continue


30. While in the university, we were offered a number of after-school activities to ______ our social skills.

   A. do        B. develop    C. make       D. grow


29. My mother was ______ breakfast in the kitchen, while my father was ______ his meeting in two hours.

   A. preparing; prepared          B. preparing for; preparing

   C. preparing; preparing for          D. preparing for; preparing for


28. _______ our arriving at the airport, we were given a warm welcome by the people there.

   A. Upon       B. For      C. With       D. Until


27. They wanted someone with _____ for this job, so as a freshman I had _______ that day.

   A. experiences; unpleasant experience    B. an experience; an unpleasant experience

   C. experiences; an unpleasant experience   D. experience; an unpleasant experience


26. Dick is the only one of the teachers who ____ Chinese. He is one of Mary’s friends who _____ been to China.

  A. know; have      B. knows; have  C. know; has       D. knows; has

