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37.A.happens    B.happening  C is happened     D.happened


36.A.supplying   B.getting     C.to get     D.to supply


34. Encouraged by his friends, Jack didn’t ________ and kept on trying it.

A. lose face   B. lose heart    C. come up    D. cheer up


33. Hurry up! The train ______ . You know it ______ at 8:30 am.

A.leaves; leaves  B. is leaving; leaves C. leaves; is leaving D. is leaving; is leaving


32. -I think teachers and students should respect each other.

-_____. That’s important.

A. I’m with you   B. I don’t think so  C. It doesn’t matter D. I’m sorry


31. The reason _____ he refused to attend the meeting was that they didn’t give him an invitation earlier.

A. how          B. which        C. why     D. because


30. That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never ____ ____ to the enemies until death.

A. gave up    B. gave out    C. gave in   D. gave away


29. I haven’t read any of these books before, but _____ from the one I have just read, I think he is a very promising writer.

A.judged   B. judging    C. determined  D. determining


28. ______ of the land in that district _______ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two-fifth; is  B. Two- fifth; are  C. Two-fifths; is  D. Two-fifths; are

