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20. We all think it is a ____ match and we are all _____ at it.

A. disappointing, disappointing    B. disappointed, disappointing

C. disappointed, disappointed     D. disappointing disappointed 


19. Nobody likes him because he ____ lies to others.

A. is always telling       B. always tell  C. does always tell  D. has already told.


18.The teacher is an enthusiastic woman _____ Ms Shen and her method of teaching is nothing like ___ of the

teachers at my Junior High School.

A. called; that      B. calling; that      C. is called; that         D. called; it 


17. _____ it is to jump into a river to swim on such a hot day.

A. What a fun      B. What fun   C. How a funny          D. How a fun 


第一节:单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

从A, B, C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

16.  Our new library is _____ the old one.

A. four times as large as       B. four times the size  

C. four times the size larger than   D. four times larger than that




6.    How does the man feel about David’s way of sleeping?

A.    It’s effective.    B. It’s strange.  

7.    How many hours does the woman sleep at least a day?

A.    4    B.7.   

8.    What does the woman think at the end of the conversation?

A.    People have different sleeping habits.

B.    People need more time for sleeping.


9.    What is the woman going to do?

A.   Attend a party.     B. Take a holiday.  

10.  When does the woman plan to arrive at the town?

A.   Last Friday.   B. Midday Saturday.

11.  What may the weather be like there during the day?

A.   Warm.   B. Wet   


12.  What do we know about the man’s new office?

A.   It is crowded.   B. It is big enough. 

13.  Where is the bank in the building?

A.   On the ground floor.  B. On the second floor. 

14.  How will the man go to work?

A.   By subway.   B. By car.  


15.  When does class start in the morning?

A.   At 6:10.   B. At 7:20 



1.    What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.    Driver and passengers    B. Husband and wife

2.    Where does the conversation take place?

A.    On a plane.        B. On a bus.   

3.    When will the speakers meet?

A.    Next Monday.       B. On Sunday.   

4.    How long will the party last?

A.    For one and a half hours   B. For one hour and forty-five minutes.

5.    What did the woman buy for Jerry’s birthday?

A.    A T-shirt.    B. A bicycle.  


以自己的亲身体验为例,就“交友”这一主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下内容要点:(1)如何交友? (2)说明好朋友的特点:① 不仅分享快乐,更要分担痛苦② 助人为乐③ 不要在背后说别人的坏话





5.   The stranger asked if we could do it.



4.   “Don’t make so much noise, boys and girls,” said the teacher.


