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35. We won’t give up ______ we should fail twenty times.

A. even if      B. since      C. whether      D. until


34. ---I’m going to Beijing..---How long ___ you___ there?

A. are; stayed    B. have; stayed   C. are; staying     D. did; stay


33. Christmas is ____ special holiday when ____ whole family are supposed to get together.

A.the, the         B.a, a          C.the, a            D.a, the


32. Do you have any difficulty     the passage?

A.on reading       B.in reading      C.for reading          D.to read


31. -I’m going to Hainan to spend the holiday.   -_______!

A. Congratulations   B. Have fun    C. See you later      D. Take care


30. Mr. Brown is _______a teacher to us;we treat him as our friend.

A.more than   B.more or less    C.less than       D.more and more


29. I’m going to visit the factory ______ your brother worked a few years ago.

A. that     B. where       C. which         D. what


28. There was _____ time ______Iraq(伊拉克) was one of the strongest countries in the world.

A.a;when   B.a;that      C.the;that       D.the;when


26. He insisted that we ____ there for the night. A. stayed       B. had stayed        C. stay           D. would stay 27. We ______him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.

A. persuaded      B. managed          C. advised        D. managed to advise

