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23. Tom was ______ to receive the invitation the new-year party.

   A. relaxed         B. excited          C. exciting          D. relaxing


22. For some students, they find _____ hard to communicate with their parents.

    A. that              B. that is           C. is           D. it




21. Jack can’t attend the meeting this week because he ________for London on business.

A. leaves        B. is leaving        C. left          D. leave



听第10段材料,根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题纸上相应题 号的空格中。

Time to get up
At  16   am
Time to get into work
At around 9:00 am
Work in the mornings
Answering phones and  17   
People to have lunch with[
Some  18 
Work in some afternoons
Visiting other musicians; going to lots of  19 
Attitude towards the job
He  20   it.






6. What does the man want to do?

  A. Have a talk with the woman.

  B. Sit for a rest.

  C. Buy some fruit.

7. Where are the speakers?

  A. At a railway station  B. At a hotel.            C. At an office.


8. Where is Tom now?

  A. At the school.       B. At the restaurant.         C. At the cinema.

9. Who is the woman?

  A. Tom’s sister.           B. Tom’s mother.           C. Tom’s aunt.


10. How many times did the man call Mr Tuang last week?

  A. Three times.           B. Twice              C. Once.

11. What does the man want Mr Tuang to do?

  A. Have dinner with him. B. Visit him.            C. Call him.

12. What’s the man’s telephone number?

  A. 37460.            B. 37640             C. 36470.


13. How many students have MP3 players according to the survey?

  A. One third of them.       B. Half of them.          C. Three fifths of them.

14. Which of the following is mentioned in the talk?

  A. The sound MP3 players make can damage our ears.

  B. Some students listen to music on MP3 players while sleeping.

  C. Surfing the Internet is a good way to make students relaxed.

15. What does the speaker advise the students to spend more time doing?

  A. Watching TV.  

B. Chatting with their friends 

C. Taking part in outdoor activities.




1. How long haven’t the speakers seen each other?   A. For a few days.          B. For a few weeks          C. For a few months.

2. What’s the woman going to do tomorrow?   A. Stay at home.       B. Go swimming.        C. Go to school.

3. Which bus should the man take?

  A. Bus No. 11         B. Bus No. 12         C. Bus No. 21

4. Why doesn’t the man eat his chocolate cake?

  A. He doesn’t like chocolate.

  B. He is having trouble with his bad tooth.

  C. He doesn’t think it is delicious.

5. What can we know about the man?

  A. He isn’t good at English.

  B. He will watch BTV-2 next week.

  C. He usually watches the programs on CCTV-9.


根据下列提示,以“Life of Nelson Mandela”为题,写一篇120左右的短文。注意不要直译。

简历:1918年出生于南非。1944,大学毕业,法律专业,同年成立“非国大青年联盟(ANC Youth League);1952,建立律师事务所,为贫穷的黑人提供法律(legal)帮助;1964-1990,作为非国大领袖被判入狱;1991,当选非国大主席;1994,当选南非总统。

贡献:一生为争取黑人的平等权利和自由而斗争,被认为是南非黑人的英雄,1993获诺贝尔和平奖(Nobel Peace Prize);




I have not been getting along very well with my study recently, and

my parents are really c_________ about it. Yesterday I went to ask    86. ______________

the teacher for a__________. After listening to my problems, the teacher   87. ______________

pointed out that one of my _________(不足)is that I only do what the    88. ______________

teachers tell me to. He suggested that I d______ more time to learning     89. ______________

independently. Besides, a proper _______(时间表)for study is also 90. ______________

important. It is ________(没有用)spending the whole day on study. 91. ______________

Doing some sports every day is also necessay. _______ is the most   92. ______________

important is confidence. I am very ________ for my teacher’s guidance     93. ______________

and I am d______ to work hard to improve my study. I believe my  94. ______________

hard work will be _______(得到回报)so long as I keep trying.    95. ______________


85. Only then_______________________________________________________________.(我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力).


84.It seemed _____________________________________________(仿佛到了世界末日).

