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21.--What did he say to you just now?

  --He asked me ___________ to you anymore.

  A.to speak       B.what I would speak        C.would I speak     D.not to speak

22.When Jack arrived, he learned Mary ______________.

A.has left        B.is leaving     C.had left      D.left.

23.This is the best hotel in the city            I know.

    A.it           B.where       C.that         D.which

24.John asked me _______ to visit his uncle’s farm with him.

A.how would I like            B.if or not would I like

C.whether I would like          D.which I would like

25.Crusoe’s dog became ill and died,       made him very upset..

A.this          B.that         C.which        D.as

26.--- What ______ when I phoned you?

--- I ______ my work, and I wanted to go out.

 A.have you done; finished

 B.were you doing; have finished

 C.did you do; had just finished

 D.were you doing; had just finished

27.Winter is the time of the year         the days are short and nights are long.

    A.on which     B.that         C.when           D.where

28.The country has _______________ too many wars.

  A.broken through     B.gone on     C.broken down  D.gone through.

29.I’d like to know ________ Chinese.

A.when he began to learn         B.when did he begin to learn

C.when did he begin learning        D.for how long he began to learn

30.---I hear that you ______________ for Beijing next Sunday.Have you got everything ready?


  A.will have left   B.are leaving  C.have left  D.leave

31.Do you know the reason           she got so angry yesterday ?

    A.why         B.which           C.for that      D.for why

32.Is           some German friends visited last week ?

A.this school where              B.this school one

C.this the school               D.this school

33.You can always __________ a dictionary if you meet new words during your English study.

  A.set up           B.come to      C.turn to          D.get to

34.I saw the beautiful lady _____________ this morning and this time she wore a white dress.

  A.fluently       B.frequently        C.as usual     D.as if


第二节  听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡  标号为16-20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有60秒钟的作答时间。

Consumption habit changes in China

The effects of becoming richer
1.People now have more money to spend and more things to spend it on.
2.This has also led to the ___16___ of popular culture in China.
3.People now spend more time on luxuries, including ____17____
The effect on tradition
The new infusion of wealth means that people are now just as likely to be ____18 ___ consumers as well.They may buy antique furniture or even ____19____ for their appeal.
The effect on tourism
Tourism consumption has increased for the new middle class of China trying to retouch ___20___.This has increased the comfort of life for those able to enjoy it.


第一节 听力理解 (5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


听第一段对话,回答第1-3 题。

1.Where are the two speakers?

A.On TV        B.On the radio         C.In the open air

2.What is the prize for the winner?

A.A return ticket to Las Vegas.

B.A week for two in Las Vegas.

C.Two nights at a beautiful hotel.

3.What will the man do finally?

A.Leave the game at once.

B.Go to the next question.

C.Make a tour.

听第二段对话, 回答第4-6题。

4.What does Henry think about the plant the woman asks him to move?

A.It’s beautiful.  B.It’s rare      C.It’s heavy.

5.As to the woman’s roses, what suggestion does Henry make?

A.Digging out weeds.

B.Planting them in the ground.

C.Making a mini-hot-house for them.

6.Which of the following can not be inferred?

A.The woman may be the man’s neighbor.

B.The man will plant roses next summer.

C.Some plants grow better in the ground than in the pots.


7.How will the students feel about the university life at its beginning?

A.Excited and anxious.

B.Excited and tired.

C.Excited and fearful.

8.Why does the speaker advise the students not to give up learning?

A.Learning can help them improve their lives.

B.Learning can help them get university degrees.

C.Learning can help them understand their own value.

9.What is the most important for the new students according to the speaker?

A.Results of learning.        B.Fields of learning.       C.Ways of learning.


10.When and what channel is the reality show?

  A.At 9:00 on channel 2.

  B.At 7:00 on channel 5.

  C.At 8:00 on channel 6.

11.How does the man feel about watching Hancock on TV?

  A.He wouldn’t mind seeing it again.

  B.He’d like to watch it if he had more time.

  C.He’d prefer to watch something else.

12.Which statement best describes the man’s feelings about watching the home improvement show?

  A.He doesn’t want to watch because his wife will expect him to fix things around the house.

  B.He thinks that he will be able to get a better job by learning from the show.

  C.He thinks it is easier to get someone else to repair their problems around the house.


13.Why does the man talk to the woman?

  A.To ask for her advice.

  B.To give her some advice.

  C.To invite her to go on a trip.

14.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The man won’t travel with the woman.

  B.The man feels it is hard to make a decision.

  C.The woman will go on a trip with Miguel.

15.What do we know about the man?

  A.He has not enough money for the holiday.

  B.He does not want to hurt Celia’s feeling.

  C.He does not like Miguel very much.

