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第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Where does the man want to have breakfast tomorrow morning?

  A. In restaurant.    B. In dining room.         C. In his room.

7. What time is the breakfast served in that hotel?

  A. From seven to nine. B. From eight to ten.            C. From seven to ten

8. What kind of breakfast does the man want?

  A. The continental breakfast.  B. The English breakfast. C. The Chinese breakfast.


9. What’s the man’s number?

  A. 2687435                B. 7732398           C. 7733298

10. What does the woman want to tell her husband?

  A. His mother is ill.  B. Her mother would come.  C. She will be late for home.

11. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. The woman was calling from her home.

  B. The woman won’t go home today.

  C. The man was not in his office then.


12. When does the conversation happen?

  A. On Tuesday         B.  On Wednesday     C. On Thursday

13. What happened to the woman on Monday morning?

  A. She was ill.           B. She got up late.      C. She couldn’t get a bus

14. How did the man react with Jean’s excuse?

  A. Very satisfied        B. Very angry          C. Understandable


15. Why have the speakers stopped?

  A. They lost the wallet.    B. They lost the way.     C. They are tired.

16. Where are the speakers going to?

   A. Their friends’.       B. A lecture.           C. A shop.

17. What does the woman suggest?

  A. Calling their friends.  B. Calling the police for help.    C. Buying a map.


18. What do the posters say?

  A. They can teach people to speak English better.

  B. They can teach people speak a foreign language within a short period of time.

  C. They can teach people to speak a foreign language about everything.

19. What language is easy to learn?

  A. The mother tongue.       B. No language.    C. Any language.

20. As to most people, what’s the purpose for learning a foreign language?

  A. To travel to that country.    B. To work better.    C. To do business.




1.  Where was the last Olympic Games held?

A.   In New York         B. In Athens              C. In Seoul

2. What is the woman going to do ?

  A. Go to the concert  B. Do homework at home     C. Go to her mother’s office

3. Why are Ted and Tyler still there?

  A. They wanted to stay for another day.  B. The weather had kept them there.

  C. They were too busy to leave yesterday.

4. What did the man do last Saturday?

  A. He saw a play.     B. He acted in a play.        C. He went to the teahouse.

5. What color is the woman’s dress?

  A. Blue            B. White                 C. Green


请根据提示,描述居里夫人(Madam Curie)。

出生日期:1867年11月7日      出生地:波兰 (Poland)

生平:1891年:就读于巴黎大学(Paris University);

1895年:与丈夫Pierre Curie在一起艰苦工作,共同发现钋(polonium)和镭(radium);

1904年:与Pierre Curie共同获得诺贝尔物理学( the Nobel Physics Prize)奖;

1911年:获得诺贝尔化学奖( the Nobel Physics Prize)并成为世界上第一位两次获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家。



























1. Painting and dancing fully take up her free time. (改为被动句)

 Her free time _______ fully _______ _______ with painting and dancing.

2. It’s _______ nice weather ________ I’d like to take a walk. (如此--- 以至于---)

3. What do her parents think about her decision?   (改为同义句)

________ do her parents ________ ________ her decision?

4. John has been taken good care of in the village. So have the other children. ( 合并为一个句子)

John ____ ____ ____ the other children has been taken good care of in the village.

5. Dennis heard the good news and jumped with joy.  (改为同义句)

________ ________ ________ _______, Dennis jumped with joy.

6. 她正在厨房做饭,突然听到撞车声。(翻译)

She ________ ________ in the kitchen ________ she _______ the crash.

7. ________time ________ ________, the music proved to be a success.  (随着时间的推移)

8. They came back home and they felt tired and hungry.  (改为同义句)

They came back home, ________ _________ ________.

9. Serena Williams _______ ________ _________ become the next champion. (据说会)


  Helen ________ _________ ________ becoming a fantastic designer.


75. A bridge is being build now.                                      


74. He knew she was crying because his words.                              


73. I’ve lost my interest at collecting stamps.                                 


72. I’ll go home for vacation as soon as I will finish my exams.                    


71. The police gave in searching for the missing child.                             


70. One thousand people died in the disaster, included two hundred and fifty-five children.     


69. She came to understanding why her parents sent her abroad.                    

