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There train was   11   and the food was great. We ate great meals  12  by experts! For the first few hundred kilometers of the journey, the  13   was very colorful. There were fields and the soil was   14  red. After that, it was  15  . The sun   16   (shine), there was no wind and there were no   17  in the sky.  18    , it looked like a place from   19    time. We saw   20  farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.



6. What is the man fed up with?

A. Sitting on packing cases.  B. Packing up cases  C. Going shopping

7. How much does one cheap comfortable armchair cost?

A.88 pounds  B.18 pounds   C.80 pounds

8. What does the man worry about?

A. They can’t find second-hand chairs.     B. New chairs are very expensive.

C. Old chairs are shaky.

9. When does the market open?

A. On Thursday  B. On Sundays  C. On Saturdays

10. When is market open?

A.8 to 8      B. 9 to 5     C. 9 to 6



1.How many pills should the man take a day?

A.1    B.2     C.3

2. Where is the man live for two years?

A. Boston  B. New York  C. Los Angeles

3. What sport does the man most probably like best?

A. Volleyball  B. Tennis  C. Skating

4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student   B. Boss and Secretary  C. Guest and waitress.

5. What does the man mean?

A. She likes to share the books with the man.   B. She agrees to talk with the man frequently.

C. She wants to borrow some books from the man.


  假如你叫Li Hua, 你的好友Zhou Ling 给你来信。信中说,她经常为自己肥胖的身材而自惭形秽。为了有一个苗条的身材,她服用了减肥药,并开始节食。刚开始收效明显,很快,情况发生了变化:她感觉精力不足,后来甚至出现了肝脏衰竭。请你给她写一封回信,分析现状,提出建议。

你的建议   (至少两条)


Dear Zhou Ling,

 I’m sorry to learn that you have suffered a lot. …


                                  Li Hua



80. The naughty boy was ______________(惭愧) of the mistake he had made.


79. We are expected to get all our attention ______________(集中) in class.


78. Smoking is harmful to youngsters both __________(身体上) and mentally.


77. Many teenagers like __________(聊天) online, possibly releasing their privacy, which has raised national concern.


76. The people in the quake-stricken area nearly _________(挨饿) to death with the delayed supply of food.

