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28.After children leave home for university, it’s usually the parents that______ their children, not on the other way round.    

    A.link          B.associate        C.contact         D.touch


27.-You couldn't have chosen any      gift for me.

  -I'm glad you like it so much.

    A.bad          B.worse         C.nice           D.nicer 


26.This kind of cloth _______ well.I think it is worthy ________.

    A.washes; buying                B.is washed; buying 

    C.washes; to be bought               D.is washed; to be bought


25.______has the children burdened with too much homework nowadays?

    A.It is who that                   B.Who is it that   

    C.It was who that                  D.Who was it that


24.There are ____ to show that a new, different city is coming out of its dark past.

    A.signals       B.marks        C.signs         D.symbols


23.-What’s up? You look down.         

-I have piles of papers ________, but I type so slowly.

    A.to be typed      B.typed          C.to type         D.being typed


22.-I haven't got a mobile phone. 

   -I think you should have     .It's useful for you.

    A.one          B.this          C.that          D.it

