
 0  299930  299938  299944  299948  299954  299956  299960  299966  299968  299974  299980  299984  299986  299990  299996  299998  300004  300008  300010  300014  300016  300020  300022  300024  300025  300026  300028  300029  300030  300032  300034  300038  300040  300044  300046  300050  300056  300058  300064  300068  300070  300074  300080  300086  300088  300094  300098  300100  300106  300110  300116  300124  447348 

10. The doctor persuaded my father to_________ smoking and drinking too much.

四 单项选择

1     She _________ state secrets to the enemy.

A  gave in   B  gave away   C  gave off   D  gave up

2  His son has ________ into a hard-working young man.

  A  grown up  B brought up  C  called up  D  taken up

3  The water here is not good , so I am drinking beer_________.

  A  instead of  B  instead   C  too   D  either

4  Most people prefer ________ money________ it.

  A  spending, to earning   B  to be spending, to be earning

  C  to spend, to earn     D  having spent, to having earned

5  I would like to buy a house which has a(n) ________ over the sea.

  A  image   B  view   C  sight   D  scenery

6  __ Does your wife like tea ?

  __ Well, she does not really________ tea,  she likes coffee better.

  A  care for   B  care   C  care about    D  care of

7  She was so _________ that she wouldn’t give in until she received a full apology.

  A  simple   B  lucky  C  stubborn   D  proper

8  Betty is very popular because she is easy____________

  A ,to be getting along  B to be got along with  C  to get along with  D to get along

9  Have you ___________ where to go for your honeymoon?

  A  made up your minds  B changed your minds  C kept in mind  D fixed your minds

10 My father has never liked meat, but he always had a _______ for fruits and vegetables.

  A  interest   B  hobby  C  preference   D devotion   

五 句子翻译

1     我劝父亲戒烟, 但他不听。  (persuade)

2     一旦你看见它, 就很难忘记。 ( once )

3     你熟悉这台电脑软件吗?  ( familiar)

4     她坚持说她是正确的。   (insist)

5     他梦想有一天能环游世界。 ( dream of/about)

6     他宁可呆在家里也不愿意去逛商店。(prefer to----- rather than)

高一(上)英语必修一Unit3 Travel Journal基础词汇巩固案答

 一 词性转换

  journalist,  preference,  advantage,  graduation,  at last/ in the end,  organization

  determined,  transportation,  travel ,  bent

二 单词填空                    

  breath, insisted, determined, attitudes, familiar, imagine, stubborn, persuade, experience

  proper , graduated,  fare, diary, cycling, altitude.

三 选择词组填空

  find out,  brought up,  are fond of ,  prefers----to--,  familiar with,  gives in

  made up his mind,  care about,  as usual ,  give up

四 单项选择

  1-5 BABAB   6-10  ACCAC


1 I tried to persuade my father to stop smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.

2 Once seen it , it is difficult to forget.

3 Are you familiar with the computer software?

4 She insisted that she was right.

5 He dreams of/ about traveling around the world one day.

6 He prefers to stay at home rather than go shopping


9.  His father gets up early ________ and does exercise outside.


8.  My brother does not ___________ the details of the book.


7.  Once he has ________________, nothing can change it.


6.  She is a brave fighter, she never ______________


5.  Are you _________________the popular song ?.


4.  Li Ping _______ watching TV at home_______ going out for playing.


3.    Many boys ___________ playing football after school.


2.    Children are _________ in a better way by their educated mothers.

