
 0  299967  299975  299981  299985  299991  299993  299997  300003  300005  300011  300017  300021  300023  300027  300033  300035  300041  300045  300047  300051  300053  300057  300059  300061  300062  300063  300065  300066  300067  300069  300071  300075  300077  300081  300083  300087  300093  300095  300101  300105  300107  300111  300117  300123  300125  300131  300135  300137  300143  300147  300153  300161  447348 

10. Can you believe that in ____ a rich country there should be _____ many poor people?

  A. such; such    B. such; so   C. so; so    D. so; such


9. Great attention must be paid ______ welfare, especially in the poor area.

  A. develop    B. to develop   C. to developing   D. developing


8. It was such a  __  to hear that all the earthquake victims in Chile have been taken care of.

A. mercy      B. relief    C. loss     D. laughter


7. ________ at the school gate is asking to see you.

A. Some men     B. A some man     C. A certain man     D. Certain a man


6. He is wearing sunglasses to____ his eyes from the strong sunlight.

 A. protect    B. hold     C. stop     D. prevent


5. If we don’t take steps. The Tibetan antelopes and pandas will ____ some day just as dinosaurs.

A. die down     B. die out    C. die away     D. die off


4. You'll need a variety of skills, _________ leadership and negotiating(谈判).

  A. containing    B. contained    C. including     D. included


3. Hua Lian Department Store will ________ some people as its workers.

A. employ       B. demand       C. reserve        D. inspect  


2. -Jerry, How did Tom         the news?   -He said nothing. 

A. reply      B. contact to       C. answer to      D. respond to


1. Much _______ by the story of Cong Fei, I also determined to be a volunteer worker.

A. affected    B. appreciated    C. admired    D. effected

