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一般式:to do(要去做);    进行式:to be doing(正在做);完成式:to have done (已经……);被动式:to be done(要被……);完成被动式:to have been done(已经被……)



定语,宾语 (注意it做形式主语/宾语的句型)




四种形式做状语:doing(正在……主动意义);  done(被……了);

having done(已经……之后,主动意义); having been done(已经被……之后)


句首的否定意义的副词:never; hardly; seldom; neither; nor; no; not




It is +强调部分+关系词定语从句+that/who+句子其他部分。

(6)表达“无论……”: no matter+疑问词+陈述句







86. A good book does not n__________ sell well.

87. M__________ production is the production of something in large quantities, especially by machine.

88. The panda pair, w__________ 100 kilos altogether, is a goodwill gift to Taiwan.

89. Besides Yao and Yi, the o___________ basketball players serving in the NBA, Sun Yue is the next rising NBA star.

90. Childhood experiences often play a big part in s__________ one’s character.

91. I dislike him __________(从个人角度), but I admire his art.

92. To my _________(宽慰), Somali pirates were defeated.

93. As we all know, dogs have __________(敏锐的) sense of smell.

94. Seldom does he _________(陪伴) his wife to the supermarket.

95. They believe the c_________(便利,方便) in traveling to Hong Kong must increase the number of visitors to the city.


第二节 完型填空(满分20分)

The smell of old, dusty books reminds me of my father. A greedy(贪婪的) 36 , he had many books, most of which went unread.   He owned books on 37 from medicine to history and to several sets of encyclopedias (百科全书). When I enter one of his 38 bookshops where he used to buy books, such as Powell's, I am 39 back to a time when the two of us were 40 . I saw him standing by a bookshelf,  41 through a medical magazine, or opening his wallet to pay for yet 42 book, knowing well that Mom would 43 him on "waste money on books and you will never 44 !" I can not hold back my smiling at his mixed feelings, and the impressive memories always strike me even today.   Walking past rows and rows of books in our study, I remember 45 , after the cancer struck, he came less and less and read fewer and fewer books. They became just part of the 46 , collecting only dust and 47.   Near the end, perhaps knowing he would never get to read them all, he gave almost all of the books away, 48 only a few. He treated them with an almost holy (神圣的) respect, 49 any crease (皱褶) or damage would destroy them totally. 50 was the man who would pay little attention to a huge coffee mark on a book, replaced by one who would burst into terrible 51 even at a small crease.   I have read a few now after he died, and each time it 52  a hurt in my heart. But I suppose it is a kind of quest (追求), because if I can take on his eagerness for 53, his cheerful smile for happiness, and his willingness to help others, then like a match in the darkness, I will bring a little light into the world. And if that light 54 others, maybe it will spread far and wide, 55 up the heavens. I think he'd like that. 36. A. poet         B. collector         C. author          D. writer 37. A. something       B. none               C. nothing          D. everything 38. A. lovely        B. fond            C. favourite         D. enjoyable 39. A. brought        B. held            C. dated        D.hit 40. A. surprised       B. happy           C. disappointed      D. sad 41. A. getting        B. seeing          C. working         D. looking 42. A. another        B. one                C. more           D. other 43. A. shout         B.speak               C. lecture              D.say 44. A. care         B. read           C. like           D. write 45. A. where        B. who           C. what           D. how 46. A. background      B. sign           C. furniture         D. symbol 47. A. memories       B. time           C. information     D. powder 48. A. remaining     B. keeping        C. holding          D. taking 49. A. only if      B. if only          C. even if         D. as if 50. A. Missed        B. Gone           C. Absent          D. Disappeared 51. A. joy            B. fun            C. anger          D. happiness 52. A. causes        B. makes           C. takes          D. damages 53. A. power      B. peace           C. money            D. knowledge 54. A. pulls         B. touches          C. pushes        D. affects 55. A. lighting      B. giving          C. going           D. taking

