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34. Can you tell me ___?

A.   whom does this dictionary belong to

B.  whom this dictionary is belonged to

C.   Whom this dictionary belongs to

D.   Whom this dictionary is belonging to


33. ____ a letter, he decided to send a telegram.

        A. Not receiving        B. Receiving not

        C. Not having received       D. Having not received  


32. ____ other good students, the teacher thinks , Hank is ___ student.

A.   Compared with , a most satisfied  

B.   Compared to , the most satisfied

C.   Comparing to , the most satisfying 

D.   Compared with , a more satisfying


31. You can’t imagine what great trouble I have ___ I want very much.

        A. to find the book   B. finding the book  

C. found the book    D. find the book


30. ____ he is and ____ he does, he will be punished ____ breaks the law.

        A. No matter who ,whatever, anyone who B. Anyone who, what ever, whoever

C. Whoever, whatever, whoever          D. Whatever, whoever, no matter who


29. Lucy is very shy and never speaks ____.

    A. until speaking     B. unless spoken to

    C. unless speaking to     D. only if spoken to


28. Since then I ____ a member of the family and never ___ from them.

        A. have be come, will I separate   B. have be come, I will separate

        C. have been , will I be separated D. have been , I was separated


27. ---How did you like the trip to Qingdao ?

        -- ___

        ---Oh, that’s too bad.

        A. I wish you could be with us    B. Nothing could be better.

        C. I felt seasick most of the time   D. I enjoyed it very much


26. Hawking says that even the best theory can ___ to be wrong.

        A. turn up       B. turn down        C. turn off      D. turn out


25. For those who work with their brains ,exercise is ___ useful.

        A. especial      B. special       C. especially D. specially

