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23. The teacher’s words make such a great _____ to her life that she wouldn’t have achieved her dream of being a writer without him.

A. influence   B. difference   C. devotion   D. relation


22. He didn’t make _____ clear when and where the sports meet would be held.

A. this   B. that   C. it    D. one



21. --- Dana seems upset.

  --- Hmm. She _______ had a fight with her parents.

A. must have   B. should have   C. will have   D. can have



听下面一段对话,回答第6至7题。 6. What made the man worried?

A. Losing his car.      B. The wheels of his car being gone.       C. His car being stolen.

7. How did that happen?

A. He left his car outside.       B. Someone had broken into his garage.      

C. He forgot to lock his garage.


8. Where are the two speakers?

A. At the woman’s home.        B. In a restaurant.      C. In a hospital.

9. According to the doctor, the man should eat the following except _________.

A. fruit and certain meat        B. vegetable salad      C. sugar

10. How long will the man probably be on a diet?

 A. Forty days.        B. A year.        C. Six months.


11. When does the woman get to school?

A. At 8:15.       B. At 9:00.     C. At 8:30 12. How long does it take the woman to get home form school?

A. One hour.     B. 45 minitues.    C. Half an hour.

13. When don’t they have lesson?

A. On Friday afternoon.     B. On Wednesday afternoon.      C. On Monday afternoon.


14. Where can the man get money?

A. From the Dunnes Stores.     B. From the Allied Irish Bank.   C. From the Bank of Ireland.

15. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The Bank of Ireland is near the Dunnes Stores.      

B. It is about ten minutes’ walk form the place where they are standing to the bank.       

C. The man isn’t familiar with the area.

16. What will the woman do at the end of the conversation?

A. She will help the man to get money from the bank..        B. She will draw a map for the man.

C. She will show him the way to the bank.


17. The writer think our world is becoming much smaller because ____________________.

A. people are using modern traffic and modern communication means

B. the earth is being polluted day and night

C. the earth is blown away by the wind every year

18. According to the passage, why is the pollution more and more serious?

A. People are wasting energy.            B. There are more and more people.

C. People are moving constantly.

19. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because it__________________.

A. makes us angry more easily    B. makes our rivers and lakes dirty

C. is bad for all living things in the world

20. Which of the following is False?

A. Many countries are making rules to fight against pollution.     

B. The pollution of the earth doesn’t grow as fast as the world population does.

C. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago.



1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A. At the restaurant.       B. At the station.      C. At a drugstore.

2. What does the woman think?

A. There are more women nurses than men.    

B. There are more women doctors than men.   

C. There are no women doctors in the hospital.

3. How much money does the woman need?

A. Five pounds.           B. Eight pounds.       C. Ten pounds.

4. What does the woman mean?

A. She is going to the shopping center.     B. She can’t go with the man.

C. She will work with the man tonight.

5. Which of the following can best describe the man?

A. The man is giving advice.   B. The man is making plans.  C. The man is expressing indecision.









3.参考词汇:假冒的 fake ; 非法的 illegal

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about a food poisoning incident. Several days ago, one of my classmates ate some food of bad quality from the market.  ...               







              Yours sincerely

                         Li Hua




36-40 BCAAC    41-45 CDABB    46-50 ABCDC        51-55 DBDCC

56-58 DAC       59-62 DBAB     63-66 BBAC      67-70 CDCB

71.Advantages\Benefits  72. Meaning\Concept\Definition  

73. creatively 74. needs\demands    75. Character  76. self-esteem  77. perform\ do  

78. Employment \Career  ces\Opportunities    80. Conclusion

degree  questionnaire  superior  contemporary  standardized  application  guarantee  necessarily  relieves  addictions


90.Some people have also used acupuncture to treat a________ to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food.


89.How acupuncture reduces and r________ pain is unclear.


88.New digital mobile phones produce less radiation, but that does not n________ mean that they should be uses without caution.


87.It uses an AAA battery (included) and has a one-year g________.

