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日期:   Tuesday, 6 January, 2009  15:43:15
发件人: "wangping" <wangping@>
收件人: lidan_@
主题:  ask for advice
Hi, how is everything? I’m feeling quite moody these days. The day before yesterday I’ve got my exam result, maybe because of my nervousness or something else, I got a very bad mark in English, only 73, as a result, there is no hope for me to go to my dreamy university, my parents insist on I stay in Senior III for one more year to make my dream come true, but I want to go to a technical college instead of preparing for a second try. can you give me some good advice? thanks.

要求:1. 你可以支持王平的选择(也可以赞同其父母的意见),但需要给出恰当的理由。

      2. 词数:150左右,首句已给出(不计入总词数)。不得照抄原邮件。

参考词汇:高考 the National College Entrance Examination

      3. 可直接写回件内容,不需要使用电子邮件格式。


35. As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid ________ .

  A. by the hour   B. by hour   C. by an hour   D. by hours


34.      The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful ______ the blue and clean sky.

A. with    B. against    C. through    D. beyond

