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22. You’ll miss the train ______ you start at once.

A. since         B. when       C. if             D. unless



21.--______football match between China and Japan was held the day before yesterday,but I failed to get_________ ticket.

----What________ pity!

   A.The;a;a   B.A;a;/  C.The;the;a    D.A;the;/


20. ---It was the drug, not the disease, that killed the boy.

---He would be still alive today if he ______ that drug.

A.   not take  B. shouldn’t have taken  C. didn’t take  D. hadn’t taken


19. The thief was not only condemned ____ his breaking into his neighbor’s house but also condemned  _____ two years imprisonment.

A. to ; for   B. to; to   C. for; for   D. for; to

