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第二节  听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡  标号为16-20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。

Who organized the event?
The No. 1   16   .
Where will the event occur?
In the   17    of the city.
When will the volunteers come?
   18   between 10 and 4 o’clock.
How many trees will be planted today?
   19   .
What essential things should be brought?
   20    (to protect the hands).


第一节 听力理解 (5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1. How much is the Christmas expense for Tim’s family?

A. About $275.     B. About $550.    C. About $1,100.

2. According to Tim, why do children like Christmas?

  A. Because they like the presents.

  B. Because they like Christmas trees.      

C. Because they don’t need to pay the bills.

3. Which of the following is not mentioned according to the dialogue?

A. Family reunion.    B. Holidays.      C. Presents.


4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Classmates.      B. Brother and sister.   C. Neighbors.

5. According to the woman, what is NOT the advantage for having a student credit card?

  A. Students can buy things that they can’t pay with cash.

  B. Having a student credit card can control spending.

  C. If a student misses a payment, the rates will jump.

6. What is the man going to do for the woman to help manage her money?

  A. To help her find a better paying job to cover her expenses.

  B. To teach her how to prepare a financial management plan.

  C. To show how she can apply for low-interest student credit cards.


7. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. In the classroom.      B. In the professor’s office. C. In the library.

8. When does this conversation take place?

A. On the last day of class.

B. Just before the semester begins.

C. After the first week of classes.

9. Why did the woman drop her chemistry course?

A. Her course load was too heavy.

B. She already knew the material.

C. She went into the hospital.


10. What did Mr. Kitson write in the first piece of news?

A. Stories and plays for children.

B. Eighty-two stories about his home in California.

C. Books in more than 25 languages.

11. Who is Mr. Paulo Angeli in the second piece of news?

A. The most dangerous policeman in New York.

B. The leader of the New York policemen.

C. A policeman and leader of New York City.

12. What will probably be the result because of the fine weather for food plants?

A. Fruits and vegetables will be cheaper this year.

B. Food will cost less than it did in the spring.

C. Plants will cost less in the shops this year.


13. What was the man doing on Friday night when his accidents started?

   A. He was going to the airport to meet his wife.

   B. He was playing some computer games at home.

   C. He was watching a basketball game on TV with some friends.

14. What did the man do with the broken vase?

   A. He might have bought a similar one.

   B. He might have dried it by the fire.

   C. He might have put the pieces together with super glue(胶水).

15. What sort of reaction does the man expect from his wife about his misfortunes?

   A. He expects her to be very angry.

   B. He expects her to put him to death.

   C. He expects her to be happy when she sees the flowers.


第一节   完成句子 (共15小题,满分15分)


61. He r____________ his position because he had been offered a better job.

62. He finally achieved his life time a__________________ of having his own business.

63. The island is only a _______________ by boat.

64. I now d______________ this meeting open.

65. A b__________ is an account or a story of a person’s life written by someone else.

66. You’ll have to read till the last c_______________ of the novel to find out who the murderer is.

67. The mountains were r____________________ in the lake.

68. He u________ the horse on with a whip(鞭子).

69. They worked for almost six hours without a p_______________.

70. He made the promise quite v________________. I didn’t force him to.

71. I am not very well today, o______________ I will do it myself.

72. I haven’t the r_________________ idea of what you meant.

73. In China, an a_________________ year runs from September to July.

74. My cousin works in Guangzhilu Travel Agency, and she is a travel a________________.

75. I r___________________ this hotel. For just one thing, it is cheap!.

