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第一节   短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






There are several ways improve our English writing skills,       56._____

such as keeping a diary, learning any good writings by heart,         57. _____

doing a lot of reading, etc, among that I prefer keeping a diary.      58._____

Comparing with other forms of writing, keeping a diary is easy       59._____

and take less time. In addition, it can help us form the habit         60._____

of thinking in English. If we can keep this practice, we will          61._____

gradually learn how to express us in English. What’s more,          62._____

keeping a diary can be as talking with one of our close friends,       63._____

sharing in our happiness or sadness. In a simple word, keeping       64._____

a diary is a good way of improving written English.                65._____



It was cold and windy outside. I was sitting in my nice warm car at a stoplight crossing listening to the radio, and I thought positively, “Life is  16  .

Now this was a long light. As I  17   I noticed a couple at the bus stop. They looked cold and poor. This couple   18   to be doing their best to keep warm. I said to myself, “Oh, those poor people in that punishing   19   .”

But then I saw their faces. They were hudding (挤在一起),   20   they were also laughing. They looked to be   21   a good joke, and suddenly, instead of pitying them,   22   them. They didn’t seem to notice the wind. They weren’t looking at my   23   thinking, “I wish I had that.”

At that moment, I realized I had   24   things were all bad for them, but they weren’t and I understood we all have the   25   to make moments of happiness happen.

Now maybe that’s easy for me to say. I feel   26   to have fans around the world, a house with a roof, and a wife who   27   my shortcomings. But I must say I felt this way  28   when I was working at Long John Silver’s, where I worked as a   29   .

In the beginning it seemed like a dead-end job. But I had a job  30   and I should be happy for that. After two weeks’    31   , I knew everything about cooking, and it    32   my mind from worry. The job allowed me to dream about what my life could become. Things  33   all right.

I believe this is something we all can do . Try to be happy  34   the context of the life we’re actually living. Happiness is not a(n)   35   to be longed for . Through the power of our own minds, We will be happy.

   16. A. hard          B. real          C. good        D. unbearable

   17. A. turned            B. waited       C. searched     D. followed

   18. A. happened      B. prepared         C. decided      D. seemed

   19. A. rain           B. darkness     C. poverty      D. wind

   20. A. although       B. but          C. if           D. because

   21. A. breaking       B. forgetting        C. finding       D. sharing

   22. A. helped         B. disliked      C. envied       D. called

   23. A. dress          B. wealth       C. car          D. happiness

   24. A. assumed       B. complained   C. ignored      D. admitted

   25. A. right          B. power       C. business      D. sense

   26. A. important      B. necessary     C. impossible    D. lucky

   27. A. cares for       B. looks up to    C. puts up with  D. gets along with

   28. A. only           B. even         C. hardly       D. once

   29. A. singer         B. musician     C. director      D. cook

   30. A. at most        B. at least       C. at last        D. as well

   31. A. effort         B. consideration  C. failure       D. rest

   32. A. prevented      B. separated     C. freed        D. kept

   33. A. turned up      B. turned out    C. took out      D. came up

   34. A. around        B. against       C. beyond      D. within

   35. A. position        B. situation      C. reason       D. activity


15.-- May I remind you that a Mr. Smith is waiting outside, sir?

  -- Oh, that’s right. I ______ about it.

   A. forget         B. forgot       C. had forgotten     D. have forgotten


14. Albert Einstein, _____ life had once been very hard, was given the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.

   A. of whom      B. for whom     C. for whose        D. in whom


13. We are taking measures to protect these species, but it ____ to be seen how effective such measures will be.

   A. remains                  B. is remained

   C. remained                 D. will be remained

