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Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Five years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he  36   up his small company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his  37   expensive “school” fees. He always owes his success to it.

At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph. Degree, decided to return to the homeland, starting an undertaking. Before  38  , he bought a Rolex watch with the  39   made through years of work after school and the scholarships. At the airport he had to accept the routine customs check. The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be  40   down for inspection. Glen knew that carrying the  41   goods out had to pay the tax. And he worried about paying  42   for his watch. So when he was checked, he told a lie that his watch was a worthless  43  . When he was  44   of his ‘smarts’, immediately,  45   the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch, which  46   nearly ¥100,000, into pieces at hearing Glen’s words. Glen was amazed.  47   he understood why, he was taken to the office to be  48  strictly. For many times of entry-exit  49   he knew that only those people in the “blacklist”would“enjoy”this special treatment. The officers  50   every thing carefully in the box, and warned him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if  51   reusing and carrying fake and shoddy(伪劣)goods, he would be  52   according to law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after boarding the plane for long.

After returning to the homeland, he often told the story to his family, and his employees, too. He said that this made a deep  53   on him, because an additional high “school”fees that he had ever paid made him realize the value of  54  , which he would  55   as the secret of his success forever.

36.A.set            B.came             C.went             D.called

37.A.good           B.bad              C.extra             D.few

38.A.staying         B.leaving               C.living           ing

39.A.books          B.things            C.saving            D.pounds

40.A.put            B.looked            C.taken            D.lied

41.A.ordinary          on          C.specific              D.many

42.A.one            B.it                C.them             D.these

43.A.present         B.trade             C.toy.              D.fake

44.A.afraid          B.proud            C.well              D.hard

45.A.in             B.on                  C.before            D.after

46.A.paid              B.spent             C.took             D.cost

47.A.Before         B.After             C.If               D.Though

48.A.appreciated     B.beaten            C.spoken               D.examined

ditions       B.experiences        C.experiments         ces 

50.A.looked out      B.looked up           C.looked over           D.looked round

51.A.came out       B.found out         C.sent out           D.set out

52.A.hit            B.blamed              C.praised              D.charged

53.A.expression       B.idea              C.thought           D.impression

54.A.honesty         B.lies              C.goods            D.things

55.A.remember       B.learn             C.revise            D.read


35. ----What’s your impression of Lenovo computers? I want to buy one.

 ----   . It’s a world famous brand.

  A. It’s up to you.             B. It makes no sense.

  C. You couldn’t think of a better idea.    D. You must be joking.


34. It was his first time that he___to Africa.

  A. has go    B. had gone    C.went  D. has gone


33. I could do nothing but    and hope someone would help me.

  A. sitting    B. to sit    C. sit    D. sat


32. There are some cases    some students obviously know the school rules but don’t obey them.

  A. what     B. why     C. which    D. where


31. From time to time Jason turned round,    he were searching for someone.

  A. as if    B. even if    C. if only    D. what if 


30. I strongly recommended him    that car, but he could not afford it.

  A. purchase    B. to purchase    C. to purchasing    D. purchasing


29. We took some effective measures to change the financial condition of our company,    it would have got worse.

  A. otherwise    B. therefore    C. meanwhile    D. however


28. Ancient Rome was a country    culture influenced the western world for centuries.

  A. who    B. which    C. whose    D. where

