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32. I am really sorry ________your letter.

A. to delay to answer      B. delaying to answer

C. to have delayed answering   D. having delayed answering 


31.To regain their_______ after an exhausting game, the players lay in the grass.

A. force   B. energy   C. power   D. health


30. The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.

A. why; that   B. that; why   C. for that; that      D. for which; what


29. All he has done ________ worth _________.

A. is; being paid attention to     B. is; paying attention to

C. are; to pay attention to      D. are; to be paid attention to


28. You have made a few grammar mistakes in your composition but _______ you have done well.

A. first of all  B. in other words   C. on the other hand  D. all in all


27. The fire made _____ difficult to rescue the people trapped under the ruins in the earthquake.

A. /  B. this  C. that   D. it


26. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ________ the change.

  A. adapt to   B. adopt to  C. apply to  D. devote to


25. _______ for a long time, so they gave a good performance in the school art festival..

A. Having practised      B. Since they had practised

C. They had practised      D. Having been practised


24. My sister was very unhappy for _______ to the party.

A. having not been invited  B. not having invited

C. having not invited    D. not having been invited


23. -Is your sister going to Lily’s birthday party?

  -I’m not sure. She _______ go to cinema with her boyfriend instead.

  A. has to    B. must    C. ought to    D. might

