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32. The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it.

     A. begins          B. having begun        C. beginning           D. begun


31. _________ with her mother, she is tall.

     A. Comparing      B. To compare     C. Being compared D. Compared


30. You shouldn’t read others’ ________ letters without permission.

     A. private          B. public           C. particular           D. especial


29. In copying this paper, be careful not to ________ any words.

     A. leave behind        B. leave aside      C. leave off        D. leave out


28. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ____ on a book.

     A. sitting; fixing     B. sit; fixed         C. sitting; to be fixed    D. seated; fixed


27. Laws that punish parents for their children’s actions against the laws get parents _______.

     A. worried         B. to worry         C. worrying         D. worry


26. Can you imagine that people in this village used to fetch drinking water from such a ____________?

A. severely polluting river           B. severely polluted river

C. river severely polluting              D. river severely polluted


25. As we joined the big crowd, I got ________ from my friends.

    A. separated    B. spared              C. lost          D. missed


24. Though _____ money, he managed to start his own business.

A. lacked       B. lacking of                C. lacking       D. lacked of


23. –Will you go swimming with me this weekend?


    A. All depend  B. It depends                    C. It depends on  D. All depends on

