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16. If it had not been for her help, the police_____in solving the mystery in such a short time.

A. can’t succeed        B. mustn’t have succeeded  

C. couldn’t succeed      D. couldn’t have succeeded


15. When I lived with my roommates in university, we______often talk into the night.

A. might   B. could   C. should  D. would


14. Mr and Mrs Scott prefer a trip in a small town to ____in so large a city as New York.

A. this   B. one   C. it   D. that


13. ----Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit?        

----To tell the truth, it is very hard. But we _____on this problem.

A. worked   B. had worked   C. are working  D. had been working


12. Not until quite recently _____that language is closely related to culture.

A. he realized  B. did he realize  C. had he realized  D. he did realize


11. Every student as well as teachers who_______to visit the museum____asked to

be at the school gate on time.

A. is; is  B. are; are  C. is; are  D. are; is  


10. I want to study modern American literature. Can you ___me some books on the subject?

A. recommend  B. substitute  C. explain   D. declare


9. -----Have you heard that he was admitted into Beijing University?

-----Is that true? I’m glad that his efforts at last______.                    

A. worked out   B. paid off  C. turned out  D. paid for


8. He is a policeman, easily ____ by his uniform.

A. marked   B. distinguished  C. watched  D. seen


7. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was____it.

A. in favour of  B. in memory of  C. in honour of  D. in search of

