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The time you spend at the office may be the most stressful part of your day, but it doesn’t have to be that. You have a greater ability to  36  your office environment than you may realize.

Take  37  throughout the day. It will help  38  your mind and relieve pressure. Something as  39  as going to the water cooler for a drink may do the trick.

Take part in a noontime or an after-work  40  class. This will give you a  41 to relax and a way to relieve stress.

To help your workday go  42  , try arranging our  43 ; Do more  44 work in the morning, when your  45  level is higher, and easier work later in the afternoon, when you may be  46 .

Try listening to music recordings, such as a pounding surf or songbirds, to help you relax. Such  47  are sold commercially. Use headphones if you’ll be listening to them in the middle of the  48  .

Get to work early or stay late once a week. You may be able to complete more when you  49  your daily work.

If your stress comes from  50  uncertainty, take stock of yourself. Bring up to date your resume, and remind yourself of your skills and  51  .  52  , make sure you  53  with new developments in your fields. This will make you valuable to  54  .

Don’t let rumors at work, which are usually  55  , cause you worry. A co-worker may just be thinking out loud about worse case scenarios.(更坏的可能)

36、A.shape          B.live            C.remain         D.advance

37、A.medicines      B.walks           C.coffees         D.breaks

38、A.double         B.sweep          C.clear           D.attract

39、A.happy          B.simple          C.various         D.pleasant

40、A.night           B.language        C.business        D.exercise

41、A.chance         B.joy             C.activity         D.attempt

42、A.quietly         B.immediately     C.smoothly        D.quickly

43、A.qualities        B.partners        C.fields           D.activities

44、A.exciting        B.demanding      C.surprising       D.amusing

45、A.energy         B.knowledge      C.power          D.rescue

46、A.sleepy          B.tired               C.anxious         D.bright

47、A.recorders       B.tapes           C.instruments      D.animals

48、A.action          B.journey         C.lecture         D.workday

49、A.arrange        B.design          C.vary            D.create

50、A.job            B.improvement        C.interview        D.performance

51、A.experiences     B.advances        C.strengths        D.points

52、A.Even           B.However        C.Therefore       D.Also

53、A.get through     B.keep up         C.work out     D.take in

54、A.companions     B.professors       C.managements    D.employers

55、A.false           B.correct         C.faithful         D.honest


35、The traditional friendship between our two peoples ____ ancient times.

   A.is dated back to         B.dates at

C.dates back to           D.dated from


34、When I visited her, she was ____ in writing a lecture speech on AIDS prevention.

   A.occupied       B.occupying       C.taken up     D.absorbing


33、- Are you still very busy?

   - Yes, I ____ the report for the manager and it won’t take long.

   A.have just finished           B.am just finishing

C.had just finished            D.am just going to finish


32、Bungee jumping is an adventurous sport, popular with young adults, ____ courage matters more than strength.

   A.whose      B.that     C.of which     D.where


31、My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _____ it.

   A.in favour of         B.in memory of       

C.in honour of       D.in search of


30、He was in poor health, so the doctor ____ him to drink wine.

A.condemned     B.demanded       C.forbade     D.prevented

