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As a child,there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm.  26  by miles of winding stone walls,the house provided endless hours of  27  for a city kid.

I can still remember one afternoon  28  I was eight years old.I’d wanted more than anything to be  29  to climb the walls surrounding the property.The walls were old;some stones were  30  ,others loose.Still,my yearning(向往)to scramble(攀登)across those walls  31  so strong that finally,one spring afternoon,I took all my  32  and entered the living room,where the  33  had gathered after Sunday dinner.

“I,I want to climb the stone walls,”I said hesitantly(犹豫地). 34  a chorus(异口同声) went up from the women in the room.“Heavens,no!”they cried,“You’ll hurt yourself!”I wasn’t too  35  ;the   36  was just as I’d expected.Just  37  I would leave the room,I was stopped by my grandfather’s loud voice.“Now wait a minute.”I heard him say,“Let the boy climb the stone walls.He has to learn to do things  38  ”

For the next two hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life.Later I told my grandfather about my  39  .I’ll never forget what he said.“Fred,”he said,smiling,“you made this day a (an)  40  day just by being yourself.Always remember,there’s only one person in this whole world like you,and I like you  41  as you are.”

Many years have passed  42  then,and today I’m a computer(主持人)in the television program  43  “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood”,seen by millions of children.

There have been  44  over the years,but one thing remains the same:my  45  left to children at the end of almost every visit.“There’s only one person in this whole world like you,”The kids can hear me say,“and people would like you exactly as you are.”

26.A.Covered      B.Surrounded       C.Extended         D.Spread

27.A.fruit         B.richness          C.fun             D.wonder

28.A.that         B.when            C.as              D.which

29.A.allowed      B.regretted         C.realized          D.provided

30.A.remaining    B.left             C.losing           D.missing

31.A.built        B.went up          C.grew            D.turned

32.A.trouble       B.mind            C.courage          D.heart

33.A.adults        B.relations         C.men            D.women

34.A.Quickly      B.Hurriedly         C.Frequently           D.Immediately

35.A.excited       B.sad             C.disappointed       D.pleased

36.A.sound        B.response         C.end             D.story

37.A.whenever     B.while            C.as soon as         D.as

38.A.of himself     B.by himself           C.in himself        D.to himself

39.A.action        B.adventure         C.pleasure          D.happiness

40.A.special       B.regular          C.common          D.usual

41.A.straightly     B.rightly           C.quietly           D.exactly

42.A.since        B.till             C.until            D.by

43.A.name        B.naming          C.named           D.to name

44.A.jobs         B.events           C.adventures           D.changes

45.A.suggestion    B.warning          C.message          D.note


25.Americans eat     vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A.more than twice                        B.as twice as many 

C.twice as many as                        D.more than twice as many


24.The only     question is     we can raise the money.

A.remained;whether             B.remaining;whether

C.remained;if                 D.remaining;if


23.   from space,the earth,with water     seven percent of its surface,looks like

   a blue ball.

A.Seen;covered                    B.Seeing;covering 

C.Seeing;covered                 D.Seen;covering


22.A man so difficult to    must be hard to    

A.please;work                  B.please;work with

C.be please;work with            D.be pleased;be worked with


21.If we learn to accept change and appreciate     is new and different,we will be

   well―prepared for      the future may have in store. 

A.which;whichever               B.what;whatever

C.what;whichever                D.which;whatever


20.The fact     Great Britain      three countries is still unknown to many.

A.that ;is consisted of              B.which;is made up of

C.that;consists of                  D.which;makes up


19.   is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress.

A.As           B.which        C.It          D.What

