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35.I’ve got to go to work by bus because my car       at the garage.

   A.is repaired   B.has been repaired   C.is being repaired  D.is repairing


33.-You must come back home by 11 o’clock.

   -         Morn.  

     A.How come?        B.That’s a11 right. C.I promise.  D.I could.

34 -feel it a great pleasure     to make a speech here。

   A.to be asked        B.to ask             C.asking          D.asked


32.Doctor Bellario wrote that when the latter      him, he was staying with a learned

young doctor from Rome.

   A.has reached                 B.reached 

   C.had reached                D.wag reaching 


31.Though they are twins,the elder looks like the father          the younger looks

  like the mother.

  A.when               B.so              C.while       D.spare


30.-M r.Green, could you      me a few minutes?

   -Sorry,I’m too busy.

  A.supply              B.provide            C.spend               D.spare

