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52. What is this news report mainly about?

A. The biggest decreases that the world economy is suffering.

B. The slow recovery that the world financial industry is moving towards.

C. The steadily growing International Monetary Fund.

D. The recent world economic situation.


Poor Sultan,who was lying close by them,heard all that the shepherd and his wife said to one another,and was very much frightened to think tomorrow would be his last day. So in the evening he went to his good friend,the wolf,who lived in the wood,and told him all his sorrows,and how his master meant to kill him in the morning.

”Make yourself easy,”said the wolf,”I will give you some good advice. Your master,you know,goes out every morning. very early with his wife into the field,and they take their little child with them,and lay it down in the shade while they are at work. Now you lie down close by the child,and pretend to be watching it,and I will come out of the wood and run away with it. You must run after me as fast as you can, and I will let it drop. Then you may carry it back,and they will think you have saved their child,and will be so thankful to you that they will take care of you as long as you live. ”

The dog liked this plan very well,and accordingly so it was managed. The wolf ran with the child a little way. The shepherd and his wife cried out,but Sultan soon overtook him and carried the poor little thing back to his master and mistress. Then the shepherd patted him on the head and said,”Old Sultan has saved our child from the wolf,and therefore he shall live and be well taken care of,and have plenty to eat. Wife,go home,and give him a good dinner and let him have my old cushion to sleep on as long as he lives. ”So from this time forward Sultan had all that he could wish for.


51. We can know from the passage that ________________.

A. at least three countries have borrowed from the I. M. F. since last week

B. the world financial industry is recovering and will suffer no more losses

C. developing economies are likely to continue to grow slowly for the year

D. worldwide financial losses have been as high as four trillion dollars so far


50. The world economy won’t full recover until_________________.

A. developing economies play a more important role than major industrialized economies

B. the International Monetary Fund lends more money to more countries

C. there has been a strong supervising and supporting financial system

D. securities markets operate well enough


49. Because of ______, the I. M. F is playing an even more important role than ever.

A. the G-20 meeting in London     B. the financial crisis

C. Olivier Blanchard              D. President Obama


48. What is the best title for the article?

A. Hibernation Study for Space Travel        B. Welcome to Our Space Travel

C. To Hibernate, to Live Longer          D. Welcome to Milk Way


A new report by the International Monetary Fund(the I. M. F. )estimates(估计)that the world economy will shrink by one and three-tenths percent this year. That would be the worst performance in more than sixty years.  Three months ago, the I. M. F. predicted a small growth for this year.

Major industrialized economies are expected to see the biggest decreases, shrinking by almost four percent. The I. M. F. predicts developing economies will continue to grow for the year, but only by about one and one-half percent.

The I. M. F. says the world will slowly return to growth of almost two percent next year. But the lending organization warns that strong policies to supervise(监管)and support the financial system are needed if the world economy is to fully recovery.

Olivier Blanchard is the chief economist for the I. M. F.  He has said that banks are still in the process of rebuilding their financial positions. He added that securities markets(证券市场)are still operating poorly

Economic experts believe the world financial industry is moving towards recovery but with more losses to come. In all, the I. M. F. says worldwide financial losses could be as high as four trillion dollars by the end of next year.  World trade is expected to drop eleven percent this year, after expanding by three percent last year.

The I. M. F. report says international lending may not fully recover until two thousand eleven. The financial crisis has made the I. M. F. more important than ever. The world's largest economies promised to increase the size of the fund by about five hundred billion dollars. They did so at the G-Twenty meeting in London earlier this month. This week, President Obama proposed that the United States lend the I. M. F. one hundred billion dollars as part of that promise

Last week, Mexico became the first nation to borrow from the I. M. F. under a new program to provide emergency credit to nations with strong economies. Mexico received a forty-seven billion dollar line of credit for one year. Poland and Colombia are also seeking loans from the program.


47. The first use of the hibernation technology ________ the six-person human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to jupiter’s moon Callisto.

A. must he    B. has been planned for   C. is certain to be   D. may be


46. There are ________ major challenges facing scientists who study hibernation.

A. two      B. three         C. four       D. five


45. According to the article, the hibernation research ________.

A. is just an idea               B. is always a science fiction

C. has already finished successfully         D. has made some progress


44. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Always be friendly to others at a party.

B. Improve your communication skills by focusing on others.

C. It is important for you to be active at a party.

D. You should respect your wife at any time.


Have you ever dreamed of visiting a planet in the Milk Way(银河系)?While the trip sounds exciting, it would take years and years to reach your destination. So in the future, bedtime for astronauts may be more than a few hours of regular shut-eye. They would have to sleep for years.

European researchers are now conducting hibernation(冬眠)experiments. The study may help them understand whether humans could ever sleep through the years it would take for a spaceflight to distant planets. “If there was an effective technology, it could make deep-space travel a reality,” said Mark Ayre of the European Space Agency last month.

What seems like science fiction is not completely unlikely. Researchers have been able to use chemicals to put living cells into a sleep-like state. They have now moved on to small, non-hibernating mammals like rats.

A major challenge is the fact that cells can be very simple systems, whereas body organs are far more complex. “It’s like moving from a simple Apple computer to a supercomputer,” said Marco Biggiogera, a hibernation researcher at Italy’s University of Pavia. Just like bears and frogs, the hibernation of human beings would cause a person’s metabolism(新陈代谢)to lower so they would need less energy.

Medical research, however, is just half of a spaceflight hibernation system. There is the challenge of designing a suitable protective shelter(栖身所). Such a shelter would provide the proper environment for hibernation, such as the proper temperature It would also have to monitor(监控)life functions and serve the physiological needs of the hibernator.

According to Ayre, the six-person human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to jupiter’s moon(木星的卫星)Callisto, could be an opportunity to use human hibernation. The mission aims to send six humans on a five-year flight to Callisto, where they will spend 30 days, in 2045.


43. If your wife wants to talk to you when you are busy, you should ________.

A. go on with what you are doing            B. stop doing anything immediately

C. decide what to do according to the situation   D. finish what you are doing with her

