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22.       the population of the developing country?

A.How many are    B.How much is   C.What’s the number of   D.What’s



21.It was about 500 years ago      thd first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

A.that     B.until     C.before    D.when




6.What does Sure get by her ticket before she gets on her flight?

A.Her ticket.       B.Aboarding pass.    C.Her suitcase.

7.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Sue probably first takes a plane.

B.Sue needn’t put her suitcase on the plane.

C.Sue doesn't really her like to fly.


8.Why is Vera just having two apples for lunch?

A.She is too busy.    B.Sally asks her to do so.    C.She is on a diet(节食).

9.How much does Sally weigh from the text now?

A.60 kilos.    B. 62 kilos.    C. 162 kilos.


10.Who can the man be in the conversation?

A.An interviewee.    B. An undergraduate.      C. An engineer.

11.Which of the following about the man is TRUE?

A.His major is history.     B.He likes physics least.

C.He specially likes Business Management.

12.What can we know about the man?

A.He graduated in 1986 with a B.S. degree.

B.He entered Shanghai Polytechnics in 1992.

C.He received his MBA degree in 1998.


13.What are they talking about now?

A.Rain.     B.Snow.      C.Weather.

14.What can we know about the man’s country?

A.It’s dry, hot and there are terrible thunderstorms and sometimes hurricanes.

B.It often has dust storms in spring and autumn.

C.It gets enough cold to snow in winter.

15.What can we know about the weather in the woman’s country?

A.It’s very general. It has no rain nine months of the year.

B.It’s freezing in winter and has snowstorms.

C.It never has snow stroms.

16.What did the worst snowstorm last year turn to at last?

A.Ice stone.   B.Ice rain.   C.Ice water.


17.What is the speaker talking about?

A.Science fields.    B.Nanotechnology.     C.Teachnology fields.

18.How much is a nanometer, or nano, equal to?

A.One –thousand-million of a meter.

B. One –thousand-millionth of a centimeter.

C. One –thousand-millionth of a meter

19.What prize did Richard Feynman get in 1959 according to the text?

A.The Nobel Prize.          B.The Nobel Prize in chemistry.   

C.The Nobel Prize in science.

20.What can scientists do according to Mister Feynman’s theory?

A.Make devices larger and larger.        

B.Make devices smaller and smaller.

C.Make atoms smaller and smaller.




1.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Brother and sister.        B.Cleck and customer.  

C.Two strangers in the street.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.It is wrong that the coach resigned yesterday.

B.She has no idea why the coach quit.

C.The coach is a mysterious person.

3.How long will the man have to wait for the next train?

A.Fifty minutes.     B.Fifteen minutes.     C.Forty-five minutes.

4.Where does the pollution come from?

A.The valley.     B.The top of the mountains.    C.Somewhere in the forest.

5.When must the boys get on the coach?

A.12:50 p.m.      B.1:10 p.m.     C.1:30 p.m.



听下面5段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.     Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a factory   B. In a restaurant  C. In a supermarket

2.     What will the woman do tomorrow morning?

A. Read a book    B. Read her e-mail   C. Attend  a meeting

3.     What does the man want the woman to do ?

A. Help him with his study.   B. Lend him her earphones.  C. Turn down her radio.

4.     What will the two speakers buy ?

A. Chairs      B. A sofa     C. A table

5.     What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Looking after the fish  B. Cooking the fish   C. Buying the fish


75. The United Nations tries to keep the world at peace by _______.

A. uniting the people of the world         B. visiting all the nations

C. pleasing the big powers            D. helping people



第一节   短文改错(共10小题,每小题1. 5分;满分15分)







Mrs Green worried about the missed shirts all evening     .  76. __________

She tried to remember exact what she had done from the      77. __________

time she left the store until the time she got home. She       78. __________

remembered if she had looked at the shirts while she was      79. __________

eating lunch. So she must have had them when she leave the     80. __________

store. She remembered when showing them to a friend on the     81. __________

bus. So she had the shirts then. She went directly from the      82. __________

bus to her house, and she must have left it on the          83. __________

bus. She was in hurry to get off and forgot to check the       84. __________

packages lay on the floor. She should be more careful next time.    85. __________

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)




3地点:五环体育馆(Wuhuan Stadium)。

4参赛队:国安队(Guo'an Team)和万达队(Wanda Team)


October 15th

Dear Zhang Qiang



Yang Ming


74. Where is the headquaters of the United Nations?

A. At San Francisco.  B. At Washington.  C. In New York.  D. In California.


73. When and where was the United Nations formed?

A. At San Francisco on April 25, 1945.  B. At San Francisco in 1945.

C. In New York shortly after the end of the World War I . D. In New York in 1945.


72. What made the general think the last answer was the best?_______

A. He was afraid he would lose the battle.  B. He was tired of fighting.

C. His soldiers could no longer fight well.  D. Too many soldiers had died in the battle.


Shortly before the end of World War I , leaders of many nations, including the United States, decided to from an international organization. It was hoped that nations could discuss their disagreements in this organization instead of fighting over them.

On April 25. 1945. two hundred representatives from many nations came to San Francisco, California, to make the rules that would govern this organization. After months of hard work . arguments(辩论) and compromises(妥协), the United Nations organization was established(建立).

Today thousands of people visit the United Nations headquarers in New York city. They see the large rooms where representatives(代表)from more than a hundred nations meet to discuss their problems. They find out about the work of the United Nations.

Children who visit the United Nations are especially interested in learning about the help given to children. Teams of workers from the United Nations visit countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa to help children who are sick and hungry. They bring food and medicine. They also teach people what doctors have learned about keeping children strong.

People who work for the United Nations believe that happy  healthy people are more likely to be friendly to other nations. They believe that helping people will help keep the world at peace.

