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32.Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we’ve decided to stay for        two weeks.

A.another     B.other      C.the other     D.other’s


31.I’ve just heard a warning       the radio that a storm may be      its way.

A.on; on      B.over; in     C.on; above     D.from; on


30.Was it at the school      was named after a hero      he spent his childhood?

A.which; that    B.where; where   C.that; where    D.which; where


29.They are standing     together in order to have a secret discussion.

A.closely    B.closed    C.close     D.close to


28.You should make a careful plan for us      the experment.

A.before to do            B.before doing  

C.before you will do         D.before done


27.We must think of a way to do the work with      time and      people.

A.more; more   B.less; fewer    C.less; more      D.more; less


26.How mcuh was the operation going to      ?

A.spend    B.pay      C.cost    D.take


25.No bird and no beast       on the lonely island .

A.are seen   B.is seen     C.see     D.sees


24.No bread eaten by man is sweet as     earned by his own labour.

A.one     B.that      C.such     D.what


23.      is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development of the production.

A.What    B.That     C.It      D.As

