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4. Do you have any difficulty ______ these flowers?

I’d like to help you if you need.

A. to plant    B. for planting    C. with planting    D. in planting


3. -May I have a look at those books?


A. Not at all    B. That’s right    C. Be my guest    D. You’re welcome


2. _____, you have studied very hard; on the other(hand)you have not learned as much as you need.

A. Instead    B. On the one hand    C. Though    D. First of all


1. -Bob, how about going swimming this weekend?

-Go swimming in this weather? _____.

A. Not  likely    B. Have a good trip    C. OK    D. I’m fond of that


第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题0.5分, 满分5分)


Up until I was about 10 years old, I was the same

as everyone else in my class. I used to climbing trees, swim and           61. ______

play the football. In fact, I used to dream about one day being         62. ______

famous football player and representing my country in the            63. ______

World Cup. Then I start to get weaker and weaker. Some days,           64. ______

I was so tired to get out of bed. I went into hospital for tests.          65. ______

I stayed there for near three months and missed a lot of school.          66. ______

I think I had at least a billion tests while I was there, included          67. ______

one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and       68. ______

looked it under a microscope. Even after all the tests, no one could give   69. ______

my disease a name, so it is difficulty to know what the future will be like. 70. ______

第二节 书面表达(满分15分)

当前有些农村儿童的家长为了给孩子们的将来创造更好的条件,远离家乡到城里去打工,请你以“如何关心农村留守儿童(leftover children)的成长?”的主题发表看法。





As we all know, people living in the countryside have to_______________________________________________


Once upon a time a teacher and his student lay down under the big tree near the big grass area. Then suddenly the student asked the teacher.  “Sir, I’m  21 , how do we find our soul mate? Can you please  22  me?”

23 for a few seconds, the teacher then answered, “Well, it’s a pretty  24  and easy question.” The teacher continued, “Look that  25, there is a lot of grass, why don’t you  26   there? Please don’t walk backwards, just walk  27 ahead. On your way, try to find a blade of beautiful grass and  28   it up and then give it to me. But just one.”

The student said, “Well, OK then... wait for me...” and walked straight ahead to the  29  field.

A few minutes later the student came back. The teacher asked, “Well, I don’t see a beautiful blade of grass in your  30 .” The student said, “On my journey, I found quite a few beautiful blades of grass, but I thought that I would find a(n)  31  one, so I didn’t pick it. But I didn’t  32  that I was at the end of the field, and I hadn’t picked any  33  you told me not to go back, so I didn’t go back.” The teacher said, “That’s what will  34  in real life.”

What is the  35   of this story?

In the story, grass is the  36   around you, the beautiful blade of grass is the person that  37 you and the grassy field is time.

In looking for your soul mate, please don’t always  38   and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you’ll  39 your lifetime. And remember “Time  40   Goes Back”.

21.   A. confused      B. happy         C. pleased           D. excited

22.   A. lend          B. bring         C. remind              D. help

23.   A. Quiet         B. Silent      C. Still              D. Empty

24.   A. simple        B. hard          C. strange           D. foolish

25.   A. road         B. path          C. method           D. way

26.   A. run          B. rush          C. jump             D. walk

27.   A. straight       B. away         C. off              D. up

28.   A. look          B. take          C. pick             D. fetch

29.   A. dry          B. nice          C. grassy            D. fresh

30.   A. hand         B. eye          C. face             D. arm

31.   A. worse        B. good         C. excellent          D. better

32.   A. imagine       B. realize         C. think             D. guess

33.   A. until          B. unless        C. because           D. once

34.   A. act          B. happen        C. show            D. come

35.   A. message       B. information     C. note             D. news

36.   A. persons       B. girls          C. women           D. boys

37.   A. fails          B. disappoints     C. tires             D. attracts

38.   A. stop          B. continue       C. compare          D. ignore

39.   A. live          B. spend         C. damage           D. waste

40.   A. Always       B. Never         C. Hardly            D. Seldom


20. In our school, a teaching building is      construction.

A. in           B. within       C. at           D. under


19. I really can’t stand      so much noise while eating.

A. him to make   B. him making    C. he makes      D. he making


18. - How come you know so much about what’s going on in that country?

- I’ve got a friend there who always keeps me      by e-mail.

A. informing                B. to be informed

C. being informed            D. informed

