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9.a.took off   b.take up


8.a.take his place  b.take the place of   c.in place


5.a.damage   b.has destroyed   c.has destroyed  d.damages  e.damage  f.damage to

 vince/of  b.has convinced/to   c.was convinced

 e to senses  b.make sense   c.make sense of


4.a.electric  b.electronic  c.electricity  d.electrical  e.electric  f. C  g.an electric generator   h.an electric current   i.an electric plug   j.an electric iron  k.electrical engineering  l.an electronic calculator   m.an electronic dictionary

 备注:electric 指可发电的或靠电力操作的或由电力生产的

    Electrical 与电有关的(人员或物品)

    Electronic  电子的


3.a.was presented with  b.present  c.present/to  d.present/to  e.present  f.present/to  g.present  h.present


  e.give/offer aid   f.hearing aid  g.teaching aids

2.a.injuries  b.injured   c.injured


9.take off/up/   a.He____________his hat and bowed politely as he passed.

 b.When did you_______playing basketball?

Be Still With God By Nancy B. Gibbs All day long I had been very busy; picking up trash, cleaning bathrooms and scrubbing floors. My grown children were coming home for the weekend. I went grocery shopping and prepared for a barbecue supper, complete with ribs and chicken. I wanted everything to be perfect. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was dog-tired. I simply couldn't work as long as I could when I was younger. "I've got to rest for a minute," I told my husband, Roy, as I collapsed into my favorite rocking chair. Music was playing, my dog and cat were chasing each other and the telephone rang. A scripture from Psalm 46 popped into my mind. "Be still, and know that I am God." I realized that I hadn't spent much time in prayer that day. Was I too busy to even utter a simple word of thanks to God? Suddenly, the thought of my beautiful patio came to mind. I can be quiet out there, I thought. I longed for a few minutes alone with God. Roy and I had invested a great deal of time and work in the patio that spring. The flowers and hanging baskets were breathtaking. It was definitely a heavenly place of rest and tranquility. If I can't be still with God in that environment, I can't be still with Him anywhere, I thought. While Roy was talking on the telephone, I slipped out the backdoor and sat down on my favorite patio chair. I closed my eyes and began to pray, counting my many blessings. A bird flew by me, chirping and singing. It interrupted my thoughts. It landed on the bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched. After a few minutes it flew away, singing another song. I closed my eyes again. A gust of wind blew, which caused my wind chimes to dance. They made a joyful sound, but again I lost my concentration on God. I squirmed and wiggled in my chair. I looked up toward the blue sky and saw the clouds moving slowly toward the horizon. The wind died down. My wind chimes finally became quiet. Again, I bowed in prayer. "Honk, honk," I heard. I almost jumped out of my skin. A neighbor was driving down the street. He waved at me and smiled. I waved back, happy that he cared. I quickly tried once again to settle down, repeating the familiar verse in my mind. Be still and know that I am God. "I'm trying God. I really am," I whispered. "But you've got to help me here." The backdoor opened. My husband walked outside. "I love you," he said. "I was wondering where you were." I chuckled, as he came over and kissed me, then turned around and went back inside. "Where's the quiet time?" I asked God. My heart fluttered. There was no pain, only a beat that interrupted me yet again. This is impossible, I thought. There's no time to be still and to know that God is with me. There's too much going on in the world and entirely too much activity all around me. Then it suddenly dawned on me. God was speaking to me the entire time I was attempting to be still. I remembered the music playing as I'd begun my quiet time. He sent a sparrow to lighten my life with song. He sent a gentle breeze. He sent a neighbor to let me know that I had a friend. He sent my sweetheart to offer sincere sentiments of love. He caused my heart to flutter to remind me of life. While I was trying to count my blessings, God was busy multiplying them. I laughed to realize that the "interruptions" of my quiet time with God were special blessings He'd

sent to show me He was with me the entire time.

Keys to exx


8.take one’s place/ take the place of / in place

 a.Mr. Wang is ill. Who will_________?  b.It is likely that computers will____mankind in the future.

 c.She is a lovely girl and always keeps everything__________.


7.sense    a.苏醒过来      b.讲得通,有意义     c.弄懂-----的意思


5.damage/destroy   a.Smoking can_____your health.  b.His careless remark_____his reputation.

 c.An explosion_______________the building completely.

 d.The court awarded him $200_______________to that company.

 e.What’s the _________of the furniture.  f.What some people did has done_____the environment.

vince     a.How can I__________you________her honesty?

 b.What __________you_________vote for them?    c.He _____________that she was guilty.

