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47. How many places are mentioned where early medicine existed in the passage?

A. Three.   B. Four.   C. Five.   D. Six.


46. The practice of magic and witchcraft was popular in ancient times because ________ .

A. people could avoid being punished by gods and superior spirits by doing this.

B. people thought they could avoid getting diseases in this way.

C. people believed the evil spirits could be driven away in this way.

D. people often got diseases and this way was very effective.


45. Which of the following can be the best title for the article?

A. Help is at hand for suicidal students.

B. More college students commit suicide.

C. How can students avoid committing suicide?

D. Why college students feel depressed?


Five thousand years ago, people thought that illnesses were the result of evil living in human bodies. They also believed that gods and superior spirits were punishing people through diseases. The practice of magic and witchcraft(巫术)was popular among many tribes, and charms(符咒)and images of gods to drive away the evil spirits were often used.

People also started using herbal(草药的)medicine and by trial and error(反复试验,不断摸索)learned how to cure stomachaches and fevers. They had a witch doctor in the community. He would treat people with simple herbal medicine and magic. Early medicine was practiced the way north tribal Indians did hundreds of years ago and the way some tribes practice it today.

The ancient Chinese believed that the body was ruled by two forces, which they called “yin” and “yang”. The body would become ill if one force overcame the other and the balance between them was changed. Acupuncture(针刺疗法)was the way to bring back the balance between the two.

Also sand painting was an important part of Navaho medicine. The medicine man paints loosely upon the floor of an earth-covered house, where the ceremony takes place, or on a buckskin(鹿皮)or a piece of cloth, by letting the colored sands flow through his fingers with control and skill.

Ancient Mesopotamians believed that diseases come either from an evil spirit or a physical problem, such as worms. The doctor would decide from which source the illness has come from and send the patient either to a herbalist or to a witch doctor.

Egyptians had a very advanced medicine. They would sometimes rely on the god’s power to receive healing, but they also treated illnesses and operated on minor health problems like snake bites. They sucked the blood from the wound and bound the affected limb to stop the poison from spreading.


44. This article is probably a/an _____.

A. narration   B. advertisement   C. commentary   D. argumentation


43. What is the key to avoid student suicides?

A. Parents communicate with their children and understand them.

B. Colleges and universities offer more help to students.

C. Students themselves realize their problems and seek help from others.

D. Friends give more comfort and show more understanding to the problem students.


42. Which of the following is WRONG according to the article?

A. No university had a whole day hotline providing suicide-prevention counseling before March.

B. Many people envy the college students their bright futures.

C. Only the students who feel confused and depressed have psychological problems and need psychological education.

D. The problems of student suicides indicate the increasing troubled mental state of young people.


41. Why are there so many students that commit suicide?

A. Because of psychological and physical sickness.

B. Feel hopeless and confused about their future.

C. Emotional trouble.

D. All of the above.


29. A. vegetables   B. fruits       C. meat      D. food


28. A. poor     B. healthy      C. poisonous    D. necessary

