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31.If you ___him yesterday, you ___what to do now.

A. had met; would know      B. have met; would know

C. met; knew          D. should meet; would know


30. I tried to      in my speech     grateful we all were for his help.

A. convey;what   vey;how    C.predict;what    D.predict;how


28. Do you feel like _____ out or would you rather that the two of us _____ dinner at home?

A. going; to have  B. to go; are going to have  C. to go; having    D. going; had

29 He hurried to the booking office only    that all the tickets had been sold out

A.to tell      B.told      C to be told     D telling


27. It was with great joy ________ he received the news ________ his lost daughter had been found.

A. that; that   B. which; what    C. because; that     D. since; what


26. Her parents insisted that she ____ a clever student and ____ a better education.

A. is; should receive    B. be; should receive     C. was; receive    D. should be; received


25. --- Was it 2 am ____ you returned home?

--- No, it was at 11 pm ____ I got home.

A. that; when      B. that; that      C. when; when     D. when; that


24. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good        .

 A. to be breathed   B. to breathe    C. breathing    D. being breathed


23. Microwave ovens have their electric energy    into heat, which can have food cooked in a short time.

A. transported    B. transporting   C. transformed   D. transforming


22. --- Have you quitted smoking?

--- I feel ashamed. Once      the habit , it’s difficult to want to give it up.

A. breaking into     B. getting into   C. knocking into     D. bringing into



21.       the rainy weather, Andrew still went to his company as usual.

A. But for        B. In spite of       C. Due to       D. Thanks to

