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55.Which of the following statements is true?

   A.There is a world water crisis.

B.There is great improvement in the fresh water supply.

C.There is local fresh water shortage.

    D.There is no way to solve the present water problems.


54.The world’s total fresh water supply       .

    A.is more than adequate for human needs                  B.is likely to run out in the next century

    C.doesn’t meet human needs           D.can’t be renewed once it is used up


53.Which is the best title of the text?

    A.The Happy People on Bali.          B.Bali, a Beautiful Island

    C.The Good Custom on Bali Island.      D.Bali Island, an Attracting Place. k+s-5#u 


“Wars of the next century will be fought over water.” This latest warning comes from the World Bank, the largest international investor(投资者)in water projects.

So is the world running out of the stuff? No. The total quantity of fresh water on the earth surpasses(超过)all possible human needs. But tell that to the government of Jordan, which has drawn its underground water almost dry since Israel diverted(转移)much of its largest water source, the river Jordan.

There is no world crisis(危机), but there are crises of under investment, of political conflict over rivers that cross national boundaries , and of rather foolish water management.

The Middle East is the likeliest place for future water wars. A long-term settlement between Israel and its neighbors will depend at least as much on fair allocation(分配)of water as of land. Iraq and Syria watch and wait as Turkey builds dams in the headwaters of the Euphrates. Elsewhere, India angers Bangladesh by diverting to its fields the thin dry-season flow of the Ganges.

Meanwhile, the best places for dams are mostly used up. Engineering and environmental costs of developing new water sources will be much higher than in the past. The human costs too are great. 16 million people have lost their homes and land to man-made lakes in India. China will have to move one million people to make way for the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze, on which construction work began this year. k+s-5#u 

But the solution to the world’s water crisis lies less in supply than in demand. The bank has spent half a century building dams, but the water problem in most countries results mainly from inefficient use of water.

Israeli scientists have long since understood this. They have revolutionized their country’s use of water, cutting out much of the waste in watering crops, which in many countries accounts for 90% of water use.


52.From this passage, we learn that      .

    A.Bali is a place where people live without angers, hates and quarrels.

    B.people living in Bali live a peaceful and happy life

    C.if two children fought in Bali, they will never speak to each other

    D.if they broke their promise they had to make an apology to each other


51.Which of the following is NOT true? k+s-5#u 

    A.Bali is a pretty mountainous island that has delightful climate.

    B.It is said that there had been terrible was on Bali at one time.

    C.Bali was part of Indonesia, divided into seven small kingdoms.

    D.Some kingdoms on Bali share the same borders.


50.What do you think is the best custom in Bali?

    A.They enjoy a peaceful way of life and think it wrong to wrong to fight and have wars.

    B.The children were not allowed to fight.

    C.The children were not allowed to fight.

    D.Families who were angry with each other also promised not to speak.


49.What is the main idea of the passage?

    A.Life in America is as much as of a struggle as in any other nation.

    B.Higher-level education for Americans does not come easy. k+s-5#u 

    C.Life in America is “money is not object.”

    D.Well-paid jobs are not easy to find in America.


Bali is a tiny island that today is part of Indonesia. It is a pretty island that has many mountains and a pleasant climate.

The people of Bali were happy and gay and had a peaceful life. They were not allowed to fight. At one time there had been terrible wars on Bali. Then the people decided it was wrong to fight or have wars. They made rules to keep apart those people who wanted to fight.

Bali was divided into seven small kingdoms. The land around each kingdom was kept empty, and no one lived there. Since the kingdoms did not share the same borders, the people could not fight about them.

On Bali, even children were not allowed to fight. If two children started a fight over a toy, someone separated them. When two boys argued, they would agree not to speak to each other. Sometimes they did not talk together for months. This gave the boys a chance to forget their anger.

Families who were angry with each other also promised not to speak. Their promise was written down, and the whole village knew about it. If they broke their promise, they had to offer gifts to their gods.


48.Which of the following is TRUE?

    A.If you live in American, you can easily find a good job.

    B.The Americans attending colleges will not meet financial problem, because they are rich.

    C.The cost of living is also higher, so living in America also needs struggle hard.

    D.In the USA everyone likes to go to college. k+s-5#u 


47.According to the text, a poor student can attend an American college except to     .

    A.try for scholarships               

    B.apply for loans from bank

    C.receive grants                   

    D.borrow money from the school where he studies k+s-5#u 


46.Which of the following is TURE in America?

    A.High-level education is easy for Americans to get.

    B.Despite(尽管)the comparatively higher wages available, the cost of living is also higher.

    C.In America people can find good jobs.

    D.Living in America is comfortable. k+s-5#u 

