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35. It was not until dark _____ he found _____ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.

  A. that; what   B. that; that   C. when; what    D. when; that


34. It’s said that _____ John robbed the bank on ______ Saturday when we left for Beijing.

  A. the; /    B. a; the     C. /; /     D. the; a


33. By working slowly but surely towards your goal, you’ll _____ succeed.

  A. eventually   B. accidentally  C. occasionally   D. purposely


32. He lay in bed, his eyes _____ up at the ceiling and his fingers _____.

  A. looked, crossing     B. looking, crossing

  C. looking, crossed     D. looked, crossed


31.-Is this the studio you referred to?

    -Right, just the one    you know I used to work for years.

    A. where      B. which    C. that           D. what


30. --- How do you like this TV program?

  --- It _____ young people because it has a lively style.

  A. attaches to    B. attends to   C. appeals to    D. adjusts to


29. _____ in this university that only those who have passed CET4 can graduate.

  A. What is required         B. What requires  

C. It requires         D. It is required      

