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Finishing high school and continuing your education in some way after high school does not guarantee that you will be financially successful. But it does help your chances. Note in the following illustration the relationship between education of the individual and the personal income.

Personal income reflects education

Percent distribution of individuals by money income

Schooling of
Head of family
Under $ 5,000
$ 5,000 to
$ 9,999
$ 10,000 to
$ 14,000
$ 15,000-up
45.3 %

67. The incomes of most of the college graduates are _______.

    A. more than $ 15,000                B. under $ 10,000

    C. between $ 5,000 and $ 9,999          D. not less than $ 5, 000

68. Which of the following is true?

    A. 20.9% of the high school graduates are paid less than $ 5,000.

    B. High school graduates take up 20.9% of the people whose incomes are under $ 5,000.

    C. The percentage of high-school graduates is smaller than that of college graduates.

    D. More high school graduates are paid under $ 5,000 than college students.

69. _____________ of the people of elementary education have an income of under $ 10,000.

    A. 14.3%           B. 34.5%            C. 56.4%            D. 79.8 %

70. We can learn from the passage that __________.

    A. money is the symbol of success

    B. more education will offer more chances to succeed

    C. good education will surely lead to financial success

    D. education is the only way to financial succes



George used his hand to shield his face from the sun as he walked along the pavement. He dipped his hand several times into his pocket to make sure that the fifty-dollar note was there. His mother had handed it to him earlier and had asked him to go to the provision shop to buy some eggs.

    The shopkeeper was glued to the television set when George entered the shop. There was only one other customer in the shop and he was looking at some canned food. The shopkeeper had broad muscular shoulders and his hair was in a tangled mess. There was a scar on his sun-tanned face and he looked extremely fierce. George felt frightened of him and thought he looked very much like a robber. George selected half a dozen eggs quickly and handed the fifty-dollar note to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper gave him a sly look and put the eggs into a paper bag. Then he handed George the change. George looked at the amount of money and realized that he had been given the wrong change. When he pointed that out to the shopkeeper, the latter claimed that George only gave him a ten-dollar note. He also shouted at George and called him a dishonest boy.

    George turned pale and was quite close to tears. At that moment, the man stepped forward and asked George in a kind tone why he was so upset. George explained to him what had happened. The man stared at the shopkeeper, who began to perspire despite the air-conditioning in the shop. Without a second word, he nervously opened the drawer and counted out the correct change for George. George thanked the man, who gave him a broad smile, before hurrying home.

63. What was the other customer doing in the shop?

    A. He was waiting for a chance to help George.

    B. He was waiting for something unusual to happen.

    C. He was planning to buy canned food.

    D. He was watching TV in the shop.

64. Why did the shopkeeper give George the wrong change?

    A. Because he was absent-minded.

    B. Because he was absorbed in the TV programme.

    C. Because he had intended to cheat the child.

    D. Because he thought he had got a 10-dollar note.

65. How did the man know that George was very upset?

    A. He had seen everything that had happened there.

    B. He knew the shopkeeper was dishonest.

    C. He saw the shopkeeper taking the 50-dollar note.

    D. He saw George was about to cry.

66. The word “perspire” in the last paragraph means _________.

    A. give off sweat                    B. tremble with fear

    C. feel shame                       D. show anger


Section A

Directions: Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once, note that there is one word more than you need.

A.   beliefs   B. sharply    C. average   D. competing  AB. recognize
AC. reduced  AD. equipment  BC. medical  BD. increasingly  CD. hesitate

Last year’s US Census (人口普查) showed that the   39    age of American citizens is rising. Since 1970 when the last American census was completed , the birth rate has continued to fall   40   in the United States , and the number of Americans over age 65 has risen by 28%. Experts believe that   41    progress will permit more and more Americans to live longer in the years ahead. This means that as a group, older citizens will play an   42    important part in American life.

The influence of many of these older Americans already can be seen. Today, those over  65 are healthier, better educated and more active than at any other time in American history. And they are rapidly changing traditional    43   that to be old is to be sick, or weak, or helpless. Today men in their 70s are    44    in long distance running races. Motion picture films now have leading parts for actors and actresses in their 80s.

 Today’s older Americans also are spending large amounts of money for everything from study to long distance travel. More and more businesses now   45    their economic importance. Travel service, restaurants, stores and transportation systems are offering           _  46    prices for those over 65. Special sports   47    and beauty products are being designed for older citizens.

Section B   

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in the each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    At the time my son was born in 1956, I shared a hospital room with a young woman who bore a son on the same day. Partly because my parents owned a shop selling flowers, the room was soon   48   the lovely smell of roses.

    As the seventh arrangement for flowers was brought in, I was beginning to feel   49  , for no flowers had arrived for my   50  , Ann. She sat on the edge of her bed and leaned forward to   51   the latest bouquet. She was a pretty young woman, yet there was something about her large, brown eyes that made me think she had known too much struggling, too much   52   for one so young. I had the feeling she had always had to admire someone else’s flowers.

    “I’m enjoying every minute of this,” she said as though she had read my   53  . “Wasn’t I the lucky one to get you for a roommate?”

    I still felt uncomfortable, however. If only there were some magic button I could push to  54   the sadness in her eyes. Well, I thought, at least I could see that she had some flowers. When my mother and father came to see me that day, I asked them to send her some.

    The flowers arrived just as Ann and I were finishing supper.

    “Another bouquet for you,” she said, smiling.

    “No, not this time,” I said, looking at the card. “These are for you.”

    Ann   55  at the flowers a long time, not saying anything. She ran her fingers across the pale-blue vase and lightly touched each of the sweetheart roses as though trying to impress them on her   56  .

    “How can I ever thank you?” she said softly.

    I felt  57  , for it was such a little kindness on my part. The son born to my husband and me that day in 1956   58   our only child. For nearly 21 years he filled our lives with love and laughter, making us feel   59  . But on Easter morning in April 1977, after a long, painful   60  with cancer, he died quietly in our arms.

    At the funeral home I was alone with my son in a room filled with the scent of roses, when a deliveryman brought in a tiny bouquet. I didn’t read the card until later, as we drove to the   61  . “To W. John Graves,” the card said, “from the boy who was born with you at Memorial Hospital, and his mother.”

    Only then did I   62  the vase I had given to a sad young woman so many years ago, now once again filled with roses. Ann and I had long since lost touch. She had never known our son, never been aware of his illness. She must have read the notice of his death in a newspaper.

    “A kindness returned,” Mother said.

48. A. covered with       B. equipped with      C. furnished with      D. filled with

49. A. satisfied          B. uncomfortable      C. romantic          D. frightened

50. A. son              B. mother               C. roommate         D. colleague

51. A. admire           B. spoil             C. overtake          D. serve

52. A. happiness         B. wealth            C. sadness           D. property

53. A. comments         B. thoughts          C. compliments       D. doubts

54. A. hold up           B. put off               C. give out          D. take away

55. A. stared            B. aimed            C. glanced           D. pointed

56. A. gratitude          B. emotion          C. memory          D. heart

57. A. depressed         B. suffered          C. obliged           D. embarrassed

58. A. kept to               B. turned out         C. looked over           D. resulted in

59. A. complete          B. boring            C. complicated        D. plain

60. A. term             B. perseverance       C. struggle           D. quarrel

61. A. city             B. grave                C. harbor            D. castle

62. A. preserve          B. purchase          C. recreate           D. recognize


38. Nearly all the world’s great novels are reported ________ into films.

A. to have been made                            B. to have made 

C. having been made                               D. having made


37.  The proposal put forward by the students at the meeting last week that more activities __________ to get students more highly motivated has been accepted by the school.

A. be organized                                B. must be organized  

C. organize                                   D. should organize


36.  __________ that I had never seen before when it saw a few grains of rice on the ground.

    A. Down did the beautiful bird fly                 

B. Down the beautiful bird flew

    C. Down flew the beautiful bird         

D. The beautiful bird had flown down


35. The ape, __________ about three metres in height, lived alongside humans for more than a million years.

    A. measured          B. measuring         C. is measured        D. measures


34. _________ many times, a new medicine for bird flu will be put into market pretty soon.

    A. To be tested                   B. Having tested      

C. Being tested                   D. Having been tested


33. In Madagascar, the women are such aggressive buyers and sellers ________ they dominate the marketplace.

    A. so that               B. so               C. that          D. who


32. It’s only by travelling or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language _________ one can find out _________ a country and its people are like.

    A. what, what        B. that, what         C. that, how      D. how, what

