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35. Seeing your picture, I couldn’t resist _____ the days _____ we spent together.

  A. to think of; when  B. to think of; which 

C. thinking of; which  D. thinking of; when


34. He was _________down for several days after he heard  the bad news .

A. broken    B. cast   C. cut    D. discouraged


33. Only through ______ talks can we build trust and only through cooperation can we create _______ win-win economic situation.

A. \, a     B. the, the    C. \, the     D. the ,a


32. I thought she had retired, but ________ she hasn’t.

A. ordinarily    B. usually    C. apparently    D. fortunately


31. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ___ it was 20 years ago, ___ it was so poorly equipped. 

  A. what, when       B. that, which        C. what, which    D. which, that


30. The doctor recommend he _________ a few more days in hospital.

A. stays             B. to stay          C. stay           D. would stay


29. --- I suggest we set up an out-of-class club.

--- Great! That’s exactly what I ______.

A. was thinking     B. think   C. had thought  D. will think


28. Can you imagine what problem may ________ when human beings are cloned?

A. raise            B. cause          C. arise          D. lead


27. The young actress looked so charming in her beautiful dress that we took     pictures with her.

A. a great many of          B. masses of     C. the number of      D. a large amount of


26. - I have learned that it is not easy to get on well with the new boss.

-______? I think that I only need to do my own job well.

A. So what   B. what for      C. what if     D. how come

