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第一节  单项填空 (共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)


21.They desired that they_______ the right to vote.

A. had     B. have   C. are    D. were

22.__________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.

   A. Exposed              B. Having exposed

C. Being exposed          D. After being exposed

23. The majority of the local people got benefit from the medical reform which they are in ______ of.

  A. honor     B. danger    C. favor    D. memory

24. The children found it hard to_______ to their new school.  

  A. suit      B. fit      C. match   D. adapt

25. The girl seems to have a(n) ______ for drawing.

  A. skill   B. talent   C. authority   D. expert

26. The bank is reported in the local newspaper_____ in broad daylight yesterday.

A. being robbed        B. having been robbed

C. to have been robbed      D. robbed

27. ----Sorry, sir! Your flight has taken off five minutes earlier.

  ----____________. I wasn’t informed of that at all.

A. You must take charge of it.     B. Wait for your punishment.

C. I’d like a refund, please.      D. I won’t agree with that.

28. Yesterday I went to see him, _________ that he had gone abroad two days before.

A. only to learn   B. to learn only   C. only learned   D. only learning

29. He began to take political science _________ only when he left school.

A. strictly       B. truly          C. carefully      D. seriously

30. This is the third book that he has written in the past five years , the first of ____ I really enjoyed.

A.those       B.that        C.which       D.them

31. –---Where was it that you found your bag?

  ----- It was in the restaurant _________ we had lunch yesterday.

  A. where     B. that          C. which     D.  when

32. Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he ___ his own work and translated it into German.

A. gave off      B. turned down    C. took over    D. set aside


从电视上看到甲型H1N1流感(A/H1N1 flu)仍然在墨西哥流行,你为你正在墨西哥上学的笔友Johnson的健康与安全担心。请你给他写一封信,为他提出防护建议。





4、… …

注意:1. 语句连贯,逻辑合理。  2. 字数:120词左右  3. 首尾已给出,不记入总词数。


From TV I know there are still many A/H1N1 flu cases reported recently in Mexico and many schools are closed as a result.                                       








Best wishes!


Li Hua









It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily I was
                    the             am
completely free then, so I’ll to say “yes”. I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8p.m. in Friday evening.

Thursday, April 29, 2010, Cloudy

This week our school organized a activity of working in New Century Children’s Store and I think I’ve gained a lot from this experience. Before I took part this activity, I knew nothing about what work really meant. I believed that your parents should do everything for me though they have to work hard to support the family. I even think they were leading an easier life than me, because I had to learn so many subject. This week I have experienced working as a shop assistant, that proved no easy job. After a day’s work, I often went back to home, tiring. At the discussion held this afternoon, we agreed that it was not easily for our parents to bring us up, but we should share some housework with them when possible.k*s5*u

