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第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

   One day two young men was walking in                 76.___________

the forest while they saw a bear ahead .They                 77.____________

tried run away.One of them got up into a                  78.____________

tree, other was fat and could not climb up .                79.____________

But he threw himself at the foot of the tree.                 80.____________

Soon the bear came nearly.It saw the fat                  81.____________

man .The man held his breathe .The bear thought              82.____________

he was died, so it went away. The man in the                 83.____________

tree came down ,but the other man was                   84.____________

very frightened that he could not move.                   85.____________


35.--How long are you staying ?

  -- I don't know .______.

     A.It depends.     B.That's OK.     C.Never mind.    D.It doesn't matter.


34.The Olympic Games are held _____.

    A.for four years                   B.each four year

    C.every four years                  D.every fourth year


33.This area experienced ____ heaviest rainfall in ____ month of May.

    A./ ; a          B.a; the         C.the ; a         D.the ;the


32.We offered these students a summer course ,aimed _____ improving their spoken English.

     A.to            B.of            C.at             D.for

