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As Christmas drew near, Ursula was faced with just that problem. She had come to live in an American home and learn English.  26 , she would mind the children and  27  anything she was asked to.

One of her tasks was to record  28  Christmas presents. Ursula did this faithfully, but she became increasingly  29 . What could she buy for her  30  with the little money she had that would compare with the gifts she was recording daily?  31 , even if she had no  32 , her employer seems to have everything.

Ursula  33  long and hard. On Christmas Eve, she went to a  34 . She moved slowly through crowds of shoppers,  35  things in her mind. Finally she bought a baby dress. She immediately called  36 . “Excuse me, please, can you help me find a poor family with a baby?” “A poor family?” said the  37  driver. “Yes, a very poor family.” Ursula told the man of what she was trying to do. He listened in  38 , and then said, “I know a family who  39  just about everything.”

When they reached a  40  the driver said, “They live on the third floor.” Ursula shook her head, “Would you take this dress to them and tell them it’s from someone... someone who has everything.”

Early the next day, Ursula  41  everyone for the presents she received. Then, she began to  42  to her employer why there seemed to be no gift  43  her. She told about what she did the night before. When she finished, there was a long  44 . “You see,” she added, “I try to do a kindness in your  45 . And this is my Christmas present to you.”

26. A. In return      B. As a result      C. By the way      D. In a sense

27. A. pay          B. learn           C. teach            D. do

28. A. delivering   B. mailing        C. arriving       D. buying

29. A. excited         B. worried        C. tired         D. interested

30. A. friends           B. own family      C. classmates   D. American family

31. A. Otherwise     B. Therefore     C. Besides       D. However

32. A. goods         B. kindness       C. gifts       D. help

33. A. talked       B. worked          C. waited           D. thought

34. A. store          B. neighborhood       C. street       D. church

35. A. selecting    B. matching     C. remembering        D. organizing

36. A. a shop         B. a taxi           C. her employer   D. her parents

37. A. responsible      B. anxious       C. surprised         D. careful

38. A. all       B. silence           C. confusion         D. tears

39. A. buys       B. has         C. uses           D. needs

40. A. garage      B. building        C. house        D. yard

41. A. thanked      B. encouraged        C. praised       D. admired

42. A. question    B. wonder       C. argue       D. explain

43. A. to       B. for          C. from       D. by

44. A. doubt     B. silence       C. time         D. break

45. A. case       B. opinion        C. memory       D. name


25. Fortunately it was near the place ____ there was a bomb ____ we found the soldier alive.

  A. that; where   B. where; in which   C. where; that   D. that; in which


24.  _____many times, he finally understood it.

A. To be told    B. Telling    C. Having told   D. Having been told


23. Two American couples each  ___ a Chinese girl and they happen to be twin sisters.

A. have adapted   B. has brought up  C. has received  D. have adopted


22. Witches(巫婆)are said to _______ magical powers to communicate with gods who are ______ of everything on the earth.

A. possess; in possession    B. own; in the possession 

C. have; in the possession    D. be; in possession


21. By the time Mary gets home, her aunt ____ for london to attend a meeting.

  A. will leave  B. will have left    C .leaves   D. left

